Leisureworks Firm : Tourism and the inner city : an evaluation of the impact of grant assisted tourism projects / Polytechnic of Central London, School of Planning; Leisureworks; DRV Research for the Department of the Environment, Inner Cities Directorate.
Leitch David : The Philby conspiracy / B. Page, D. Leitch, P. Knightley.
Leitch Megan : Romancing treason : the literature of the Wars of Roses / Megan G. Leitch.
Leitch Megan G : Romance rewritten : the evolution of Middle English romance : a tribute to Helen Cooper / edited by Elizabeth Archibald, Megan G. Leitch and Corinne Saunders.
Leitch Roger D : Reliability analysis for engineers : an introduction.
Leitch Thomas : Film adaptation and its discontents : from Gone with the Wind to the Passion of the Christ.
Leites Edmund : Educating the audience : Addison, Steele & eighteenth century culture : papers presented at a Clark Library Seminar 15 November 1980 / by E.A. & L.D. Bloom, E. Leites.
Leites Nathan : Movies, a psychological study / by M. Wolfenstein and N.. Leites.
Leith : The port of Leith, its history and development together with information on its trade facilities for handling cargoes in and out schedules of rates.
Leith Dock Commission : The port of Leith : its history and development, together with information on its trade, facilities for handling cargoes in and out, schedules of rates, etc.
Leith Patrick 1647 : The noble resolution : delivered in a paper thrown over the scaffold at Edenborough, by Patt. Leithe of Hearthill; one of the commanders of His Majesties forces in the kingdom of Scotland, at his death, not being permitted to deliver himselfe in vvords. The. 26. of October, 1647. Sent in a letter from Scotland.