Liljeruth Erik : En bildbok om Blekinge / foto E. Liljeroth; inledning H. Martinson; text av S.O. Swahn, i bearbetning av J.O. Swahn; bildtexter R. Holmstrom.
Liljestrand Bilger : Ungdomsdramer II : I rom, den fredlose, anno fyrtiatta / texten redigerad och kommenterad av B. Liljestrand.
Lillethun Abby : Fashion history : a global view / Linda Welters and Abby Lillethun.
Lilley A Captain : Frou Frou, or, Fashion & folly (18-20/07) / William Muskerry ; Partridge and bread sauce (19/07) / Capt. A. Lilley ; Little Don Giovanni (18-20/07) / [Henry James Byron].
Lilley A E V : A book of studies in plant form with some suggestions for their applicaiton to design / by A.E.V. Lilley and W. Midgley.
Lillie Ralph Dougall : Biological stains : a handbook on the nature and uses of the dyes employed in the biological laboratory / by R.D. Lillie; prepared with the collaboration of various members of the Biological Stain Commission.