Lotius Eleasar 1668 : Allocutio D.D. Lotii ad Regem Carolum, ejus nominis secundum: Regem Magnæ Britanniæ, &c. in nomine Consistorii Hagensis, & præsentia aliorum istius ecclesiæ pastorum, super morte Regis Caroli Primi, nuper Anglia defuncti: septimo calendarum Martii.
Loton Tony : Web content mining with Java : techniques for exploiting the World Wide Web.
Lototsky V A : Evaluation of adaptive control strategies in industrial applications : proceedings of the IFAC workshop, Tbilisi, USSR, 17-20 October 1989 / edited by V.A. Lototsky.
Lotringer Sylvere : The ecstasy of communication / translated by Bernard & Caroline Schutze ; edited by Sylvère Lotringer.
Lotti Dilvo : San Miniato : vita di un' antica citta.
Lottich Kenneth V : The foundations of modern education / by E.H. Wilds & K.V. Lottich.
Lottim Antonio : Messen / herausgegeben von Hermann Muller.
Lottini Gio Francesco Giovanni Francesco 1512 1572 : The quintesence of wit : being a corrant comfort of conceites, maximies, and poleticke deuises / selected and gathered together by Francisco Sansouino ; wherin is set foorth sundrye excellent and wise sentences, worthie to be regarded and followed ; translated out of the Italian tung, and put into English for the benefit of all those that please to read and vnderstand the works and worth of a worthy writer.