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Corporate Author England and Wales. Sovereign (1553-1558 : Mary I)
Title By the Kynge and the Quene : where at the openyng and begynnyng of the warres with the Frenche, the Queenes Maiestie caused her proclamation to be made and therein gave warning ... to so many of that nation inhabitynge within this realme ... to depart the same, within forty daies ...
Alternative Title Where at the openyng and begynnyng of the warres with the Frenche, the Queenes Maiestie caused her proclamation to be made
Publication Info Excusum Londini : In ædibus Iohannis Cavvodi Typographi Regiæ Maiestatis, Anno M.D.L.viii [1558]

Descript 1 sheet ([1] p.).
Note Contains wood-cut initial.
"Geuen at Westminster the xxvii. day of January, the forth and fyfte yeares of the Kynge and Queenes Maiesties most noble Raygnes."
"Cum priuilegio Regiæ Maiestatis."
Reproduction of original in: Society of Antiquaries.
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Corporate Author England and Wales. Sovereign (1553-1558 : Mary I)
Series Early English books online.
Subject Noncitizens -- England -- Early works to 1800.
Great Britain -- History -- Mary I, 1553-1558.
Great Britain -- Foreign relations -- France.
France -- Foreign relations -- Great Britain.
Alt author Mary I, Queen of England, 1516-1558.
Alternative Title Where at the openyng and begynnyng of the warres with the Frenche, the Queenes Maiestie caused her proclamation to be made
Descript 1 sheet ([1] p.).
Note Contains wood-cut initial.
"Geuen at Westminster the xxvii. day of January, the forth and fyfte yeares of the Kynge and Queenes Maiesties most noble Raygnes."
"Cum priuilegio Regiæ Maiestatis."
Reproduction of original in: Society of Antiquaries.
Corporate Author England and Wales. Sovereign (1553-1558 : Mary I)
Series Early English books online.
Subject Noncitizens -- England -- Early works to 1800.
Great Britain -- History -- Mary I, 1553-1558.
Great Britain -- Foreign relations -- France.
France -- Foreign relations -- Great Britain.
Alt author Mary I, Queen of England, 1516-1558.
Alternative Title Where at the openyng and begynnyng of the warres with the Frenche, the Queenes Maiestie caused her proclamation to be made

Subject Noncitizens -- England -- Early works to 1800.
Great Britain -- History -- Mary I, 1553-1558.
Great Britain -- Foreign relations -- France.
France -- Foreign relations -- Great Britain.
Descript 1 sheet ([1] p.).
Note Contains wood-cut initial.
"Geuen at Westminster the xxvii. day of January, the forth and fyfte yeares of the Kynge and Queenes Maiesties most noble Raygnes."
"Cum priuilegio Regiæ Maiestatis."
Reproduction of original in: Society of Antiquaries.
Alt author Mary I, Queen of England, 1516-1558.

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