Mawe Thomas : Everyman his own gardener : being a new and much more complete gardener's calendar and general directory than anyone hitherto published / by T. Mawe and J. Abercrombie.
Mawgridge John 1676 1708 : A full and true account of the tryal, examination, and proceedings against Mr. John Maugridge a kettle-drummer, who was on Saturday the 14th of December, try'd before the twelve Judges at the Hall in Serjeants-Inn in Chancery-Lane, upon a special verdict, for the murther of Captain Cope on the guard at the Tower..
Mawhinney Robert J : Laws of the United States concerning money, banking and loans, 1778-1909.
Mawuena Emmanuel Kwasi : Understanding power in relation to voice and silence on patient safety among surgical professionals in Ghanaian teaching hospitals / Emmanuel Kwasi Mawuena.
Max Born Symposium 2nd 1992 Wroclaw Poland : Spinors, twistors, Clifford algebras, and quantum deformations : proceedings of the Second Max Born Symposium held near Wroclaw, Poland, September 1992 / edited by A. Oziewicz, B. Jancewicz and A. Borowiec.
Max Katrin : Niedergangsdiagnostik : zur Funktion von Krankheitsmotiven in "Buddenbrooks" / Katrin Max.
Max M D : Scientific diving : a general code of practice / edited by N.C. Flemming and M.D. Max ; sponsored by the World Underwater Federation (CMAS) and UNESCO's Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC).
Max Michael D : Geological development of the Sicilian-Tunisian platform : proceedings of the international scientific meeting...1992 / edited by M.D. Max and P. Colantoni.