Maximilien Guy : La demorstration du non-agir (Naiskarmyasiddhi) / introd. et traduction par G. Maximilien.
Maximinus Bb : Scolies Ariennes sur le Concil d'Aquilee.
Maximinus Iacobus : Whereas the professor hereof, Iacobus Maximinus, borne in Italy, and lately come out of Germanie, hath attained vnto the demonstration of the making of foure most strange and rare artificiall stones, and a sweete ball, and the true vertues thereof: and the names and colours of euery stone : The first, is the moraccolocius stone is white: the famous amethist is the redde stone: the famous safaris is the purple stone: the safonya, which is the straw coloured stone, &c.
Maxwell Christopher L : In sparkling company : reflections on glass in the 18th-century British world / Christopher L. Maxwell ; with contributions by Marvin Bolt, Kimberly Chrisman-Campbell, Jennifer Y. Chuong, Melanie Doderer-Winkler, Anna Moran, Marcia Pointon, and Kerry Sinanan ; editor: Richard W. Price.
Maxwell David Active 1690 : A true account of the last speech of the Revrend Doctor George Walker, : as he delivered himself to Mr. David Maxwell, parson of Donoghaddee, and several gentlemen attending him at his death / As it was written in a letter to a minister of the Church of England.