Misztal Barbara Anna Professor : Challenges of vulnerability : In search of strategies for a less vulnerable social Life
Mita Reizo : International collaboration in community health : proceedings of the 7th meeting of the Hirosaki International Forum of Medical Science held in Hirosaki, Japan between 28 and 29 October 2003 / editors, Reizo Mita, Kei Satoh.
Mital Anil : Economic aspects of advanced production and manufacturing systems / edited by Hamid R. Parsaei and Anil Mital.
Mitalerius Claudius : Hypomnesis de Gall. lingua / autore H. Stephano, qui & Gallicam patris [R. Estienne] sui Grammaticen adiunxit [et] C. Mitalerii.
Mitchel Edward Active 1674 : A brief survey of all the reigns of the several Kings of this Isle, and consequently of all Great Britain, from the first entrance of King Brute to the last age, as it is gathered from the best approved authors / by Edward Mitchel.
Mitchel P : A great victory obtained by His Highnesse the Prince of Wales neer the Downs, against a squadron of the rebels shipping, on Munday last: : with the particulars of the fight, 200. killed, 500. taken prisoners, two of their ships sunk, five boarded, 40 piece of ordnance taken, and all their arms and ammunition, and the princes resolution touching the Earl of Warwick. Likewise, the executing of Sir Charles Lucas on Munday night last, and the sentence of the Councell of War against him to be shot to death. Also, a bloudy fight between the English and Scottish forces, commanded by Lieu. Gen. Cromwel and Gen. Monro, Aug. 27. the particulars therof, & number kiled.
Mitchel Robert : Subjective futures for decision making / by J. Tydeman and R. Mitchell.