Morgan Gary S : Three new early middle Eocene bats (Mammalia: Chiroptera) from Elderberry Canyon, Nevada, USA / Nicholas J. Czaplewski, Gary S. Morgan, Robert J. Emry, Paul M. Gignac, and Haley D. O'Brien.
Morgan George A George Arthur 1936 : IBM SPSS for introductory statistics : use and interpretation / George A. Morgan, Karen C. Barrett, Nancy L. Leech, Gene W. Gloeckner.
Morgan George Active 1621 : A briefe of Morgans bill in Parliament. : George Morgan, plaintiffe. [brace] William Megges, William Turnor, Richard Bowdler, Thomas Jhones, Sir John Bourcher Knight, William Essington, Robert Barley, [brace] defendants. And Richard Bowdler plaintiffe, and George Morgan defendant..
Morgan Grenfell And Co Limited : Offer by Morgan Grenfell and Co. Limited on behalf of Lloyds Bank Limited to acquire the issued ordinary share capital of Lloyds & Bolsa International Bank Limited not already owned by Lloyds Bank Limited.
Morgan Gwendolyn A 1956 : Anne Rice and sexual politics : the early novels / by James R. Keller ; with conclusion by James R. Keller and Gwendolyn Morgan.
Morgan H Gethin : Suicide prevention : the challenge confronted : a manual of guidance for the purchasers and providers of mental health care / editors, Richard Williams and H. Gethin Morgan.
Morgan Harry 1915 2011 : The Glenn Miller story [videorecording] / directed by Anthony Mann.
Morgan J Pierpont John Pierpont 1837 1913 : A sixth century fragment of the letters of Pliny the younger : a study of six leaves of an uncial manuscript preserved in the Pierpont Morgan library, New York / by E.A. Lowe and E.K. Rand.
Morgan J Steve : Programming in Fortran 90 / J.S. Morgan and J.L. Schonfelder.