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Newcastle And Carlisle Railway : The Newcastle and Carlisle Railway, 1825-1862 : the first railway across Britain.  1948 1
Newcastle Dispensary : Report of an enquiry into the diet and household expenditure of unemployed families.  1933 1
Newcastle Henry Pelham Fiennes Pelham Clinton Duke Of 1785 1851 : Unhappy reactionary : the diaries of the fourth Duke of Newcastle-under-Lyne, 1822-50 / edited and with an introduction by Richard A. Gaunt.  2003 1
Newcastle Libraries And Information Service   3
Newcastle Margaret Cavendish Duchess Of 1624 1674   37
Newcastle University International Centre For Cultural And Heritage Studies : Hidden in plain sight : histories of the British Empire in English city museums / Rebecca A. Nelson.  2015 1
Newcastle Upon Tyne City Council   2
Newcastle Upon Tyne Council For Voluntary Service : The Byker Community Development Project 1974-1978 / [by] W. Hampton and I. Walkland.  1980 1
Newcastle Upon Tyne Education Committee   2
Newcastle Upon Tyne England Chamberlain : The accounts of the chamberlains of Newcastle upon Tyne, 1508-1511.  1987 1
Newcastle Upon Tyne England Town Council : The town of New-Castle upon Tine having elected Sir William Blacket, Baronet; and Sir Ralph Carr, Knight. their burgesses, in the late Parliament, dissolved by his Majesties proclamation, bearing date the 18th. day of January 1680. Sir William Blacket had the honour of dying in that service, upon which the said town unanimously chose their present mayor Nathaniel Johnson Esq; who accordingly this last session of Parliament gave his attendance at Westminster, and had the honour of knighthood conferred on him by his Majesty. Sir Nathaniel's residence being at present in London, the said town of New-Castle sent him the following letter  1681 1
Newcastle Upon Tyne Kings College   13
Newcastle Upon Tyne Kings College Department Of Education : The young teacher.    1
Newcastle Upon Tyne Kings College Library   2
Newcastle Upon Tyne Polytechnic Art Gallery   3
Newcastle Upon Tyne Polytechnic Department Of Humanities   4
Newcastle Upon Tyne Polytechnic Division Of History Of Art And Complementar : Design, 1900-1960 : studies in design and popular culture of the 20th century / edited by T. Faulkner.  1976 1
Newcastle Upon Tyne Polytechnic Handicapped Persons Research Unit : Directory of non-medical research relating to handicapped people / J. Sandhu, J. Hamilton, J. Hood.  1983 1
Newcastle Upon Tyne Public Libraries : A short history, 1854-1950.    1
Newcastle William Cavendish Duke Of 1592 1676   42
Newcomb Anthony : The madrigal at Ferrara, 1579-1597.  1980 1
Newcomb Elden Henry : Plants in perspective : a laboratory manual of modern biology / by E.H. Newcomb G.C. Gerloff and W.F. Whittingham.  1964 1
Newcomb Horace : Encyclopedia of television / editor, Horace Newcomb ; photo editor, Cary O'Dell ; commissioning editor, Noelle Watson.  1998 1
Newcomb Lori Humphrey : Reading popular romance in early modern England.  c2002 1
Newcomb Mary : Mary Newcomb : paintings and drawings : [catalogue of an exhibition held at] Crane Kalman Gallery ..., London ..., 5-30 October 1982.    1
Newcomb Michael D : Consequences of adolescent drug use : impact on the lives of young adults / by Michael D. Newcomb and Peter M. Bentler.  1988 1
Newcomb Robert M   5
Newcomb Robinson : Stabilizing construction : the record and potential / by Miles L. Colean and Robinson Newcomb.  1954 1
Newcomb S   2
Newcomb Simon : A plain man's talk on the labor problem : American labor.  1969 1
Newcomb Theodore Mead   6
Newcomb Thomas 1681 Or 2   8
Newcomb Wilburn W : A new booke of tabliture, 1596 lute music of Shakespear's time / edited and transcribed for keyboard with the original tablature by W.N.Newcomb.  1966 1
Newcombe Andrew Paul 1968 : Law and practice of investment treaties : standards of treatment / by Andrew Newcombe, LluĂ­s Paradell.  2009 1
Newcombe D G David Gordon 1952 : Henry VIII and the English reformation.  1995 1
Newcombe Josephine M : Leonid Andreyev.  1972 1
Newcombe L   2
Newcombe Nora : Spatial representation and behavior across the life span / edited by L.S. Liben, A.H. Patterson and N. Newcombe.  1981 1
Newcombe Norman William : Europe at school : a study of primary and secondary schools in France, West Germany, Italy, Portugal and Spain.  1977 1
Newcombe Paul : Essentials of nursing adults / edited by Karen Elcock, Wendy Wright, Paul Newcombe and Fiona Everett.  2019 1
Newcombe Russell : Living with heroin : the impact of a drugs 'epidemic' on an English community / H. Parker, K. Bakx and R. Newcombe.  1988 1
Newcombe Stephen Phillip : An assessment of the impact of Conservative trade union legislation on the practice of the closed shop in Britain in the 1980s.  1987 1
Newcombe Terence   2
Newcome Henry 1627 1695   10
Newcome Henry 1650 1713 : The compleat mother, or, An earnest perswasive to all mothers (especially those of rank and quality) to nurse their own children / by Henry Newcome ...  1695 1
Newcome Peter 1656 1738   3
Newcome Peter Vicar Of Hackney Middlesex : A catechetical course of sermons for the whole year.  1712 1
Newcome William Archbishop Of Armagh : Observations on our Lord's conduct as a divine instructor, and on the excellence of his moral character.  1782 1
Newcomen Elias 1550 1614 : Libellus supplex Imperatoriae Majestati caeterisque sacri imperii electoribus, principibus, atque ordinibus nomine Belgarum ex inferiore Germania, Evangelicae religionis causa per Albani Ducis tyrannidem ejectorum in comitiis spirenibus exhibitus. English.  1571 1
Newcomen M : The federal, state and local tax structure after the war.    1
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