Odgers Graeme : Utility regulation : challenge and response : the state of Britain's regulatory regime / Graeme Odgers ... [et al.] ; introduced and edited by M.E. Beesley.
Odhnoff Camilla : Vegetative anatomy of plants / ed H.G. Burstrom and C. Odhnoff.
Odhnoff Jan : Labour and industry in ASEAN / P. Limqueco, B. McFarlane & J. Odhnoff.
Odiam Lee Richard Frederick : An investigation into alternative methods for the simulation and analysis of growth models / Lee Richard Frederick Odiam.
Odinkalu Anselm Chidi : Building bridges for rights : Inter-African initiatives in the field of human rights / compiled by Marguerite Garling and Chidi Anselm Odinkalu.
Oditah Fidelis : The future for the global securities market : legal and regulatory aspects / edited by Fidelis Oditah.
Odle Sara J : Implementing learning in the least restrictive environment : handicapped children in the mainstream / edited by John W. Schifani, Robert M. Anderson and Sara J. Odle.
Odo David : Burma : frontier photographs 1918-1935 : the James Henry Green Collection / John Falconer, David Odo and Mandy Sadan ; edited by Elizabeth Dell.