Oxleas Nhs Foundation Trust : The South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust & Oxleas NHS Foundation Trust prescribing guidelines [electronic resource].
Oxley Michael : Housing policy and rented housing in Europe / Michael Oxley and Jacqueline Smith.
Oxley Nicola : Installation art in the new millennium : the empire of the senses / Nicolas de Oliveira, Nicola Oxley, Michael Petry [editors] ; texts by Nicolas de Oliveira.
Oxley Robert : A sermon preached at Gouldsbrough in Yorke-shire, before the right worshipfull Sir Richard Hutton knight, one of His Maiesties iustices of the Court of Common Pleas
Oxley Thomas : The shepheard, or A sermon, preached at a synode in Durisme Minster, vpon Tuesday, being the fifth of April. 1608. By Thomas Oxley, Master of Artes, and preacher of Gods word
Oxley V J : Local government financial statistics.
Oxwick Robert : The complaint of Rob. Oxwick, and company, ovvners of the ship endeavour: : and of Ri. Baker, and company, proprietors of the said ships lading, both amounts to 16587. l. against the French, of their proceedings, want of justice, and satisfaction.