Parsons H : The history of the five wise philosophers: or, The wonderful relation of the life of Jehosaphat : son of Avenario King of Berma in India. To which is added, meditations on the seven stations of life, with the three great stepts [sic] to eternal salvation: as faith; to be our guide: hope, to be or comfort; and, charity to hide a multitude of faults. Also, instructions for children to be obedient to their parents. A treatise both pleasant, profitable, and pious / by H.P. Gent.
Parsons John Esquire : A choice catalogue of the library of John Parsons, Esquire, late of the Middle-Temple, barrister: : Consisting chiefly of law & history, ancient and modern. : Which will be exposed to sale by way of auction on Thursday the 30th day of this instant November, 1682. at the Auction-House, over against the Black Swan in Ave-Mary-Lane near Ludgate. / By Edward Millington, bookseller.
Parsons Nicholas : Home to roost / by Earle Coultie ; directed by Nicholas Parsons.
Parsons Noel : Baggage handling at major airports.
Parsons Norma : A comparative view of the roles of Robert Owen and Samuel Wilderspin in the development of popular education in the nineteenth century.
Parsons O H : Accidents at work : a full analysis of the Industrial Injuries Act, 1946, and the Personal Injuries Bill, and how they will affect the worker.