Parsons John Esquire : A choice catalogue of the library of John Parsons, Esquire, late of the Middle-Temple, barrister: : Consisting chiefly of law & history, ancient and modern. : Which will be exposed to sale by way of auction on Thursday the 30th day of this instant November, 1682. at the Auction-House, over against the Black Swan in Ave-Mary-Lane near Ludgate. / By Edward Millington, bookseller.
Parsons Nicholas : Home to roost / by Earle Coultie ; directed by Nicholas Parsons.
Parsons Noel : Baggage handling at major airports.
Parsons Norma : A comparative view of the roles of Robert Owen and Samuel Wilderspin in the development of popular education in the nineteenth century.
Parsons O H : Accidents at work : a full analysis of the Industrial Injuries Act, 1946, and the Personal Injuries Bill, and how they will affect the worker.
Parsons Robert C1546 1610 : A relation of the King of Spaines receiving in Valliodolid, and in the Inglish College of the same towne, in August last part of this yere. 1592. VVryten by an Inglish priest of the same college, to a gentleman and his vvyf in Flaunders, latelie fled out of Ingland, for profession of the Catholique religion