Parti Solidaire Africain : Political protest in the Congo : the Parti solidaire africain during the independence struggle.
Particle Size Analysis Conference 4th 1981 Loughborough : Particle size analysis 1981 : proceedings of the Fourth Particle Size Analysis Conference, Loughborough University of Technology, 21-24 September 1981 / organised by the Analytical Division of the Royal Society of Chemistry... ; edited by Dr N. Stanley-Wood and Dr T. Allen.
Partidario Maria Rosario : The practice of strategic environmental assessment / Riki Thérival and Maria Rosário Partidário.
Partido Aprista Peruano : Modernization, dislocation and Aprismo : origins of the Peruvian Aprista Party 1870-1932.
Partido Communista De Espana : Documentos de una divergencia comunista : los textos del debate que provoco la exclusion de Clauden y Jorge Semprun del PCE.
Partido Comunista Cubano : Granma : weekly review of the official organ of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Cuba.
Partido Obrero Revolucionario : Bolivie : de la naissance du P.O.R. a l'assemblee populaire : textes politiques du mouvement ouvrier et du parti ouvrier revolutionnaire / introduction et notes de F. et C. Chesnais.
Partido Popular Democratico : Personalism and party politics : institutionalization of the Popular Democrative Party of Puerto Rico.
Partington Charles Frederick 1857 : A popular and descriptive account of the steam engine : comprising a general view of the various modes of employing elastic vapour as a prime mover in mechanics : and on steam navigation.