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Paul Swraj : The Swraj Paul affair.  1984 1
Paul T V   7
Paul Tanya : Elegance and refinement : the still-life paintings of Willem van Aelst / Tanya Paul... [et. al.].  c2012 1
Paul Taylor Graeme   2
Paul The Apostle Saint   28
Paul The Deacon Approximately 720 799   4
Paul Thomas Active 17th Century : [Some seri]ous reflections on that part of [Mr]. Bunion's [Con]fession of faith: [t]ouching [church] communion with [unbapti]zed persons: [a]s also ... [a]rguments against the ..., and seven queries ... [t]o the author. ... [serva]nt of Christ & the Church  1673 1
Paul Ulrike : Vom Geschichtsdrama zur politischen Diskussion : über die Desintegration von Individuum und Geschichte bei Georg Buchner und Peter Weiss.  1974 1
Paul V Pope 1550 1621 : Triplici nodo, triplex cuneus, or, An apologie for The oath of allegiance : against the two breues of Pope Paulus Quintus, and the late letter of Cardinall Bellarmine to G. Blackvvel, the arch-priest.  1609 1
Paul V Pope 1552 1621   17
Paul Verlaine : La Bonne chanson : 9 melodies Op. 61.  1962 1
Paul Vi Pope   9
Paul Von Praun Collection : Michelangelo models formerly in the Paul von Praun Collection.  1972 1
Paul William   3
Paul William 1678 1716 : A true copy of the papers deliver̀d to the Sheriffs of London by W. Paul, a clergyman, and John Hall, Esq; late justice of the peace in Northumberland, : who were drawn, hang'd, and quarter'd at Tyburn, for high-treason, against his Majesty King George, July the 11th [sic], 1716. Publish'd by order of the sherriffs [sic] of London.  1716 1
Paul William 1926 : Band theory and transport properties / volume editor W. Paul.  1982 1
Paul William 1939 : Homosexuality : social, psychological, and biological issues.  1982 1
Paul William Author Of Labour And Empire   7
Paul William E : Immunology : recognition and response : readings from "Scientific American" magazine / edited by William E. Paul.  1991 1
Paul Wolfgang 1959 : Stochastic processes : from physics to finance / Wolfgang Paul, Jörg Baschnagel.  2000 1
Paul Zakir : Aisthesis. English  2013 1
Paula Francisco Firmino De : Historia do Boi Leitao ou O vaqueira que nao mentia.  1900 1
Paula Jose P M : Advances in decapod crustacean research : proceedings of the 7th Colloquium Crustacea Decapoda Mediterranea, held at the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Lisbon, Portugal, 6-9 September 1999 / edited by José P.M. Paula, Augusto A.V. Flores & Charles H.J.M. Fransen.  2001 1
Paula Rego Exhibition 1997 Tate Gallery Liverpool And Centro Cultural D : Paula Rego.  1997 1
Paula Sr : La vie sainte Paule.    1
Paulaharju Samuli 1875 1944   3
Paulanka Betty J   2
Paulden Sydney : Whatever happened at Fairfields? / S. Paulden and B. Hawkins.  1968 1
Paulden Thomas 1626 Ca 1710 : A true relation of the fight between Maior Gen. Lambert, and the Scots army neer Appleby, Iuly 24. 1648. : With a letter written from Colonell Charles Fairfax, touching the surrender of Thornhill House in Yorkshire, with all the armes and ammunition therein, for the service of the Parliament. Written to a member of the House of Commons. With the summons, answers, and replies from the said Colonel, and Governor thereof.  1648 1
Paulding James Kirke 1778 1860   2
Paule Denise : The lifeguardsman / Walter Howard.  1912 1
Paule George Sir 1563 1637   3
Paule Kestemont Marie : Understanding marketing : a European casebook / by Celia Phillips, Ad Pruyn, Marie-Paule Kestemont.  2000 1
Pauleen David 1957 : Virtual teams : projects, protocols and processes / David Pauleen.  c2004 1
Pauler Bernhard : Trio für Flöte, Fagott und Klavier / zum ersten Mal herausgegeben von B. Pauler.  1972 1
Pauler Roland : Die deutschen Könige und Italien im 14. Jahrhundert : von Heinrich VII. bis Karl IV. / Roland Pauler.  c1997 1
Pauletto Bruno : Periodization : peaking.    1
Paulev Poul Erik : Respiratory and cardiovascular effects of breath-holding.  1969 1
Pauley Bruce F   2
Pauley Graeme S : Performance measurement at RTZ using a mixture of "soft" and "hard" OR techniques / by Graeme S. Pauley and Richard J. Ormerod.  1996 1
Pauley Laura L : Thermodynamics : concepts and applications.  2020 1
Paulham F : The laws of feeling.  1930 1
Paulhan Claire : Carnets 1944-1971 / edition etablie et annotee par C. Paulhan.  1991 1
Paulhan F : Joseph de Maistre et sa philosophie.    1
Paulhan Jean 1884 1968   10
Paulhus Joseph L H   2
Pauli : Paintings, engravings etc.  1898 1
Pauli Erica : Saint-Pierre de Geneve : les chapiteaux.  1967 1
Pauli F W : Soil fertility : a biodynamical approach.  1967 1
Pauli G : Die kunst des Klassizismus und der Romantik.    1
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