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Perdue Clive : Second language acquisition by adult immigrants : a field manual.  1984 1
Perdue J W : A study of the future need for surface transport facilities across the River Mersey.  1974 1
Perdue Leo G   5
Perdue Peter C 1949   2
Perdue Theda 1949   2
Pere Ubu Musical Group : An anthology of noise & electronic music [sound recording] : fifth a-chronology 1920-2007.  2008 1
Perebinossoff Philippe   2
Pereboom Maarten L 1962 : History and film : moving pictures and the study of the past / Maarten Pereboom.  c2011 1
Perec Georges 1936 1982   22
Pereda Jose Maria De   17
Pereda Vicente De : El anillo de Saturno.  1931 1
Perefixe De Beaumont Hardouin De 1605   5
Peregin James : The letters patents of the presbyterie : vvith the plea and fruits of the prelacie. Manifested out of the scriptures, fathers, ecclesiasticall histories, Papists, and sundrie other authors. By Iames Peregrin.  1632 1
Peregrine A Anthony Active 1636 : Peregrine, 1637 : a new almanacke and prognostication for the yeere of our Lord God, 1637 : being the next after the bissextile or leape-yeere : calculated according to lawfull art, and rectified for the elevation and meridian of the port and most famous haven- towne of New-castle upon Tyne, in the north part of England / by A. Peregrine, astronomophilon.  1637 1
Peregrine W T H : A revised and annotated list of plant diseases in Malawi / by W.T.H. Peregrine and M.A. Siddigi.  1972 1
Peregrino Junior Joao : Doenca e constituicao de Machado de Assis.  1976 1
Peregrino Umberto : O exercicio singular da comunicacao na vida e na obra de Euclides da Cunha.  1983 1
Peregudoc S : Business associations in the USSR - and after : their growth and political role / S. Peregudoc, I. Semenenko and A. Zudin.  1992 1
Pereira Anabela Maria Sousa : Helping students cope : peer counselling in higher education.  1997 1
Pereira Antonio Maria 1824 1880 : Cartas de Camilo aos editores Antonio Maria Pereira.  1973 1
Pereira Antonio Maria 1856 1898 : Cartas de Camilo aos editores Antonio Maria Pereira.  1973 1
Pereira Arun : The culturally customized website : customizing web sites for the global marketplace / Nitish Singh, Arun Pereira.  c2005 1
Pereira Benjamin : Texteis : tecnologia e simbolismo.  1985 1
Pereira Christopher : Practical statistics for the biological sciences : simple pathways to statistical analyses / Stephen Ashcroft and Chris Pereira.  2003 1
Pereira Da Silva Luciano : A viagem de Vasco da Gama : astronomia de Os Lusiadas / texto com base na obra de L. Pereira da Silva, adaptadopor E. da Silva Gameiro.  1972 1
Pereira Da Silva Vasco : Der Beitritt der Europäischen Union zur EMRK die Auswirkungen auf den Schutz der Grundrechte in Europa = The accession of the European Union to the ECHR the impact on the protection of the fundamental rights in Europe = L'adhésion de l'Union Européenne à la CEDH l'impact sur la protection des droits fondamentaux en Europe / Julia Iliopoulos-Strangas, Vasco Pereira da Silva, Michael Potacs (eds.)  2013 1
Pereira Family : Fernando Pessoa, "supra-Camoes", brasoes e geracoes de avos.  1983 1
Pereira Fernando C N : Prolog and natural-language analysis / F.C.N. Pereira and S.M. Shieber.  1987 1
Pereira Filho Emmanuel : Uma forma provencalesca na lirica de Camoes.  1974 1
Pereira Galeote : South China in the 16th century : being the narratives of Galeote Pereira, Gaspar da Cruz, Martin de Rada (1550-1575) / edited by C.R. Boxer.  1953 1
Pereira German : Isabel la Catolica y los judios de Espana.  1974 1
Pereira H C   3
  Pereira Hilda Maria Gaspar -- See Gaspar Pereira, Hilda Maria
Pereira Jose Carlos Seabra   2
Pereira Jose Carlos Sealbra : Decadentismo e simbolismo na poesia portuguesa.  1975 1
Pereira Jose Esteves : O pensamento politico em Portugal no seculo XVIII : Antonio Ribeiro dos Santos.  1983 1
Pereira Jose Hygino Duarte 1846 Or 1847 1901 : Guia de fontes para a história do Brasil holandês : acervos de manuscritos em arquivos holandeses / organizadores, Marcos Galindo, Lodewijk Hulsman ; apresentação, Francisco Weffort ; estudo introdutório e organização editorial, Leonardo Dantas Silva.  2001 1
Pereira Julio Cesar Medeiros Da Silva : À flor da terra : o cemitério dos pretos novos no Rio de Janeiro / Júlio César Medeiros da Silva Pereira.  2007 1
Pereira Luis S : Water and the environment : innovation issues in irrigation and drainage / edited by Luis S. Pereira and John W. Gowing ; Portuguese National Committee of the International Commission on Irrigation & Drainage ; selected papers of the 1st Inter-Regional Conference "Environment-Water: Innovative Issues in Irrigation and Drainage", held in Lisbon, Portugal, September 1998.  1998 1
Pereira Margaret : Offending youth : sex crime and justice / Kerry Carrington, with Margaret Pereira.  2009 1
Pereira Margarida Isabel Esteves Da Silva : Identity and cultural translation : writing across the borders of Englishness : women's writing in English in a European context / Ana Gabriela Macedo & Margarida Esteves Pereira (eds.).  c2006 1
Pereira Maria Eduarda Vassalo : Contos de Eca de Queiros / apresentacao critica, seleccao e sugestoes para analise literaria de M.E.V. Pereira.  1983 1
Pereira Maria Helena Da Rocha   2
Pereira Michael Eric 1956 : Primate life histories and socioecology / edited by Peter M. Kappeler and Michael E. Pereira.  2003 1
Pereira Michela : Ne Eva ne Maria : condizione femminile e immagine della donna nel medioevo.  1981 1
Pereira Miguel : Veronico Cruz [videorecording] / directed by Miguel Cruz.  1987 1
Pereira Muro Carmen : Género, nación y literatura : Emilia Pardo Bazán en la literatura gallega y española / Carmen Pereira-Muro.  2012 1
Pereira Roque Jose : La demographie de la Belgique au XIXe siècle.  1974 1
Pereira Sandrine : Graffiti / Sandrine Pereira.  c2005 1
Pereira Thomas : History of the two Tartar conquerors of China including the two journeys into Tartary of Father Ferdinand Verbiest, in the suit of the Emperor Kang-hi.  1971 1
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