Philiatros : Natura exenterata: or Nature unbowelled by the most exquisite anatomizers of her. : Wherein are contained, her choicest secrets digested into receipts, fitted for the cure of all sorts of infirmities, whether internal or external, acute or chronical, that are incident to the body of man. / Collected and preserved by several persons of quality and great experience in the art of medicine, whose names are prefixed to the book. Containing in the whole, one thousand seven hundred and twenty. Very necessary for such as regard their owne health, or that of their friends. VVhereunto are annexed, many rare, hitherto un-imparted inventions, for gentlemen, ladies and others, in the recreations of their different imployments. With an exact alphabetical table referring to the several diseases, and their proper cures.
Philip Iii King Of Spain 1578 1621 : A proclamation set out by the K. of Spain : wherein order is taken for the vse and trafficke of merchandise, with those of Holland, Zealand and others, aswell by water as by land / truely translated out of the Dutch copy printed at Andwerpe in February last.