Pimsleur Paul : The psychology of second language learning : papers from the second International Congress of Applied Linguistics, Cambridge, 8-12 September 1969 / edited by Paul Pimsleur and Terence Quinn.
Pimstone Millie : Helen Suzman : fighter for human rights / [convenor and consultant, Milton Shain ; concept, research, and text, Millie Pimstone ; exhibition design and digital artwork, Linda Bester].
Pin Emile : Pratique religieuse et classes sociales dans une paroisse urbaine : Saint-Pothin à Lyon.
Pincetl Stanley J : Europe in the nineteenth century : a documentary analysis of change and conflict / by Eugene N. Anderson, Stanley J. Pincetl, Jr and Donald J.Ziegler.
Pinch Adela : Strange fits of passion : epistemologies of emotion, Hume to Austen.
Pinch P L : "Hollowing out" the local state : compulsory competitive tendering and the restructuring of British public sector services / by A.Patterson and P.L. Pinch.
Pinch Stephen : Public provision and urban politics : papers from the ... Conference, January 1982.
Pinchart Alexandre Joseph : Études sur l'histoire des arts au Moyen Age : [la cour de Jeanne et de Wenceslas et les arts en Brabant pendant la seconde moitre du XIVe siecle.
Pinchas S : Infrared spectra of labelled compounds.
Pinchbeck Edmund : The fountain of life, or life in its derivation from Christ. In a sermon preached at the funeral of that honoured lady, the Lady Jane Reade, the relict of Sir John Reade, (sometimes whil'st he lived) of Sorangle in Lincolnshire, knight. By Edmund Pinchbeck, B.D.