Powell Michael : 'A bread and cheese bookseller' : the recollections of James Weatherley of Manchester c. 1790-1850 / edited by Michael Powell and Terry Wyke.
Powell Michael J : Restructuring the professional organisation : accounting, healthcare and law / edited by David M. Brock, Michael J. Powell, and C.R. Hinings.
Powell Milton : The voluntary church : American religious life (1740-1865) seen through the eyes of European visitors.
Powell Mr : The heart of Mid-Lothian, or, The lily of St. Leonards / [Daniel Terry from the novel by Walter Scott ; music by Sir Henry Bishop] ; The miller's maid / [J.S. Faucit], founded on Bloomfield's popular poem.
Powell Nathaniel 1675 : A remonstrance of some decrees, and other proceedings, of the commissioners of sewers : for the upper levels, in the counties of Kent and Sussex; touching the proportioning of water-scots upon the said levels. Published, for information of the commissioners, and owners of the said levels for the time beeing. / By Nathaniel Powell, Esq;
Powell Nathaniel Sir 1675 : The animadverter animadverted: or, Brief observations on animadversions : Published by Thomas Harlackenden, Esquire. Intitluled, Animadversions on several material passages in a book written by Sir Nathanael Povvel, Baronet. By the same authour.
Powell Paul : Principles of organometallic chemistry.
Powell Percival Hugh : Pierre Corneilles Dramen, in deutschen Bearbeitungen und auf der deutschen Bühne bis zum Anfang des neunzehnten Jahrhunderts, und deren Verhaltnis zur zeitgenossischen Literatur in Deutschland : ein Beitrag zur Geschichte des deutschen Dramas und Theaters.
Powell Raymond : Shakespeare and the critics' debate : a guide for students.
Powell Raymond P : The Soviet capital stock, 1928-1962 / by R.Moorsteen and R.P.Powell.
Powell Rice : New propositions sent from His Highnesse the Prince of Wales, to the right honorable the House of Peers, concerning an agreement between His Royal Father, and the Parliament; as also, concerning the citizens of London, the Scots army, and the navy in the downs. Directed to his beloved cozin, the speaker of the House of Lords, pro tempore; and signed, Charles P. Likewise the Kings declaration on Munday last to the Parl. Commisssioners. [sic] And their letter to both houses. For peace.