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Powell Martin   2
Powell Martin A 1961   11
Powell Marvin : Age and sex differences in degree of conflict within certain areas of psychological adjustment.  1955 1
Powell Marvin A : Slavery in Babylonia : from Nabopolassar to Alexander the Great (626-331 BC).  1984 1
Powell Maud Morton   3
Powell Maurice F : Potpourri, opus 80 for clarinet and piano.  1973 1
Powell Melanie   3
Powell Michael : 'A bread and cheese bookseller' : the recollections of James Weatherley of Manchester c. 1790-1850 / edited by Michael Powell and Terry Wyke.  2021 1
Powell Michael 1905 1990   21
Powell Michael J : Restructuring the professional organisation : accounting, healthcare and law / edited by David M. Brock, Michael J. Powell, and C.R. Hinings.  1999 1
Powell Milton : The voluntary church : American religious life (1740-1865) seen through the eyes of European visitors.  1967 1
Powell Morton Mrs   4
Powell Mr : The heart of Mid-Lothian, or, The lily of St. Leonards / [Daniel Terry from the novel by Walter Scott ; music by Sir Henry Bishop] ; The miller's maid / [J.S. Faucit], founded on Bloomfield's popular poem.  1830 1
Powell Nathaniel 1675 : A remonstrance of some decrees, and other proceedings, of the commissioners of sewers : for the upper levels, in the counties of Kent and Sussex; touching the proportioning of water-scots upon the said levels. Published, for information of the commissioners, and owners of the said levels for the time beeing. / By Nathaniel Powell, Esq;  1659 1
Powell Nathaniel Sir 1675 : The animadverter animadverted: or, Brief observations on animadversions : Published by Thomas Harlackenden, Esquire. Intitluled, Animadversions on several material passages in a book written by Sir Nathanael Povvel, Baronet. By the same authour.  1663 1
Powell Neil   5
Powell Nicholas : Saint-Germain-des-Pres : [French post-war culture from Sartre to Bardot].  1984 1
Powell Nik 1950 : Ladies in lavender [videorecording] / written and directed by Charles Dance.  2005 1
Powell Orlando : The forty thieves : the third gorgeous Crown pantomime 1900-1901.  1900 1
Powell P C : The selection and use of thermoplastics.  1977 1
Powell Patricia 1966 : A small gathering of bones.  1994 1
Powell Paul : Principles of organometallic chemistry.  1988 1
Powell Percival Hugh : Pierre Corneilles Dramen, in deutschen Bearbeitungen und auf der deutschen Bühne bis zum Anfang des neunzehnten Jahrhunderts, und deren Verhaltnis zur zeitgenossischen Literatur in Deutschland : ein Beitrag zur Geschichte des deutschen Dramas und Theaters.  1939 1
Powell Peter C : Engineering with polymers.  1983 1
Powell Peter J : Montana past and present : papers read at a Clark Library Seminar April 5, 1975 / by P.J. Powell and M.P. Malone.  1976 1
Powell Philip   9
Powell Philip L   2
Powell Philip Wayne : Mexico's Miguel Caldera : the taming of America's first frontier, 1548-1597.  1977 1
Powell R : Gene technology / M.T. Dawson, R. Powell, F. Gannon.  1994 1
Powell R A G : Public boundaries and Ordnance Survey 1840-1980.  1982 1
Powell R W : Thermal conductivity of selected materials / by R.W. Powell, C.Y. Ho and P.E. Liley.  1968 1
Powell Rachel : Possibilities for local radio.  1965 1
Powell Ralph Lorin : The rise of Chinese military power,1895-1912.  1955 1
Powell Raphael   2
Powell Ray : AQA advanced economics / Ray Powell.  2005 1
Powell Raymond : Shakespeare and the critics' debate : a guide for students.  1980 1
Powell Raymond P : The Soviet capital stock, 1928-1962 / by R.Moorsteen and R.P.Powell.  1966 1
Powell Rice : New propositions sent from His Highnesse the Prince of Wales, to the right honorable the House of Peers, concerning an agreement between His Royal Father, and the Parliament; as also, concerning the citizens of London, the Scots army, and the navy in the downs. Directed to his beloved cozin, the speaker of the House of Lords, pro tempore; and signed, Charles P. Likewise the Kings declaration on Munday last to the Parl. Commisssioners. [sic] And their letter to both houses. For peace.  1648 1
Powell Richard Captain 54th Regiment : Proceedings of a general court martial held at the these-Guards.  1809 1
Powell Richard J 1953 : Black art : a cultural history.  2002 1
Powell Richard John : Case of Powell and Rayner : judgment of 21 February 1990.  1990 1
Powell Robert   9
Powell Robert Active 1636 1652   5
Powell Robert C : Conversazione in Sicilia (Nome e lacrime) / edited by R.C. Powell.  1978 1
Powell Robert L   5
Powell Roger : An historical account of the Wisbech and Fenland Museum / Jane Arthur and Roger Powell.  2010 1
Powell Roger A : Carnivore ecology and conservation : a handbook of techniques / edited by Luigi Boitani and Roger A. Powell.  2012 1
Powell Russell A 1950 : Introduction to learning and behavior / Russell A. Powell, P. Lynne Honey, Diane G. Symbaluk.  2012 1
Powell Sacha : An introduction to early childhood studies.  2014 1
Powell Samuel M : Impassioned life : reason and emotion in the Christian tradition / Samuel M. Powell.  2016 1
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