Priddey Catherine : Benefiting business & the environment : case studies of cost savings and new opportunities from environmental initiatives / by Julie Hill, Ingrid Marshall and Catherine Priddey.
Priddey Mark : Index to the probate records of the courts of the bishop and archdeacon of Oxford 1733-1857 and of the Oxfordshire peculiars 1547-1856 / edited by D.M. Barratt, Joan Howard-Drake and Mark Priddey.
Priddle George B : Crisis : readings in environmental issues and strategies.
Pride Thomas 1658 : The beacons quenched: or The humble information of divers officers of the Army, and other wel-affected persons, to the Parliament and Common-wealth of England; concerning the Machivilian design of the Presbyterians, now carrying on by the Stationers of London. : To bring an odium upon the Parliament and Army, introduce the whole body of Presbyterian doctrine and worship. seduce the good people of this Common-wealth, unto the Presbyterian slavery, than which nothing can be worse. By publishing divers treasonable and most scandalous books (a catalogue of many whereof is here inserted) against the honor of the Parliament, the Lord Generall, and severall other worthy members of this Common-Wealth.
Prideaux John 1587 1650 : Eight sermons, preached by Iohn Prideaux, Doctor of Diuinity, Regius Professor, Vice-Chancellor of the Vniuersity of Oxford, and rector of Exceter Colledge. The severall texts and titles of the sermons, follow in the next leafe
Prideaux Sue : Edvard Munch : behind the Scream / Sue Prideaux.
Prideaux Thomas : Nevves from Hull, Ireland, and Fraunce : as first the manner of Sr. Iohn Hothams protection of Hvll, discovering a horrible plot conspired by one Becket a papist in Yorkshire, and one Fulches, to admit some Lords into Hull, May 24, 1642, 2 of Iune, with Fulkes his loyalty showne to the Perliament [sic] in not concealing the plot, but revealing it to Sr. Iohn Hotham : secondly a letter sent to Captaine White in London from Thomas Prideaux in Ireland, dated from Dublin the twentieth of May, 1642, concerning a proclamation lately proclaimed in Ireland : as also, 3., remarkable passages at the seige of Ayres, a city upon the border of Spain where for these hundred yeares, the king of Spaine hath held it by force from the king of Fraunc, but now recovered 1642 : vvith an order from the high court of Parliament, Io. Brow. cler. Per.