Regulska Joanna : Women and gender in postwar Europe : from Cold War to European Union / edited by Joanna Regulska and Bonnie G. Smith.
Reh Albert M : Nation und Gelehrtenrepublik : Lessing im europaischen Zusammenhang : Beiträge zur internationalen Tagung der Lessing Society in der Werner-Reimers-Stiftung, Bad Homburg v.d. H., 11. bis 13. Juli 1983 / herausgegeben von W. Barner und A.M. Reh.
Reh Friedrich : Kardinal Peter Capocci : ein Staatsmann und Feldherr des XIII Jahohunderts.
Rehabilitation International : Report on national legislation for the equalization of opportunities for people with disabilities : examples from 22 countries and areas / United Nations Office at Vienna, Centre for Social Development and Humanitarian Affairs.
Rehakosht P : A plain and just account of a most horrid and dismal plague, begun at Rowel, alias Rothwell, in Northampton-shire which hath infected many places round about, or, A faithful narrative of the execrable and noisom errours and the abominable and damnable heresies vented by Richard Davis, pretended pastour to a people at Rowel, and by his emissaries, the shoomakers, joyners, dyers, taylers, weavers, formers, &c. : together with a brief account 1. Of his and his parties practices, 2. Visions and revelations, 3. Great boasts, 4. Admission of members into their society, 5. His peoples self-condemnedness, 6. The number and quality of his hearers admired fits, 7. Some queries to the countrey people as matter for further search, 8. An expostulation and advice to the people of Rowel / by Mr. P. Rehakosht ...
Rehatsek Edward : The gulistan or Rose garden of Sa'di / translated by E. Rahatsek, edited with a preface by W.G. Archer, introduction by G.M. Wickens.
Rehberg Peter 1968 : An anthology of noise & electronic music [sound recording] : third a-chronology 1952-2004.