Ress Robert : Arno Holz und seine Kunstlerische, Weltkulturelle Bedeutung : ein Mahn- und Weckruf an das deutsche Volk.
Ressa Maria : How to stand up to a dictator : the fight for our future / Maria Ressa ; foreword by Amal Clooney.
Ressler Robert K : Sexual homicide : patterns and motives / Robert K. Ressler, Ann W. Burgess, John E. Douglas ; with chapters by James L. Luke ... [et al.].
Ressold William 1593 : Foure sermons : viz. I. Sinnes contagion, or the sicknesse of the soule. II. The description of a Christian. III. The blindnesse of a wilfull sinner. IV. A race to heaven. Published by William Ressold, Master of Arts and minister of Gods Word at Debach in Suffolke.
Resta Sebastiano : The true effigies of the most eminent painters and other famous artists that have flourished in Europe : curiously engraven on copper-plates : together with an account of the time when they lived, the most remarkable passages of their lives, and most considerable works ...
Restaut Pierre : Principes generaux et raisonnes de la grammaire francoise.
Restelli Eugenio : I proverbi milanesi, raccolti, ordinati e spiegati coll' aggiunta delle frasi e de modi provrebiali piu in uso nel dialetto milanese / a cura di F. Valli.
Restenberger Anja 1965 : Effi Briest : historische Realität und literarische Fiktion in den Werken von Fontane, Spielhagen, Hochhuth, Brückner und Keuler.
Restori Antonio 1859 1928 : Los Guzmanes de Toral, ó, Como ha de usarse del bien y ha de prevenirse el mal : commedie spagnuole del secolo XVII, sconosciute, inedite o rare / publicate dal dr. Antonio Restori.
Restrepo Calle Christian : Camilo Torres : his life and his message: / edited by J.Alvarez garcia and C.Restrepo Calle.
Restrepo Rivillas Carlos Alberto : Competitividad y estructura de la economía colombiana / Carlos Alberto Restrepo Rivillas, Jairo Guillermo Isaza Castro, Clara Inés Acosta Niño.