Scarlet Films Firm : The favourite / Fox Searchlight Pictures, Film4 and Waypoint Entertainment present an Element Pictures/Scarlet Films production ; produced by Ceci Dempsey, Ed Guiney, Lee Magiday, Yorgos Lanthimos ; written by Deborah Davis and Tony McNamara ; directed by Yorgos Lanthimos.
Scarlett Clive : The predicament of a local government training organisation.
Scarlett Jazmin Paris : Coexisting with volcanoes : the relationships between La Soufrière and the society of St. Vincent, Lesser Antilles / Jazmin Paris Scarlett.
Scarman Centre : Moral panics in a risk society : a critical evaluation.
Scarman Centre National Cctv Evaluation Team : National evaluation of CCTV : early findings on scheme implementation - effective practice guide / Scarman Centre National CCTV Evaluation Team.
Scarritt James R : Coping with globalization : cross-national patterns in domestic governance and policy performance / edited by Steve Chan and James R. Scarritt.
Scarrott Keith Leonard : Periphery-to-centre curriculum development : a study of the convenors of two local working groups of the Secondary Science Curriculum Review.
Scarrow Susan E : Democracy transformed? : expanding political opportunities in advanced industrial democracies / edited by Bruce E. Cain, Russell J. Dalton, and Susan E. Scarrow.
Scarry C Margaret : Case studies in environmental archaeology / edited by Elizabeth J. Reitz, C. Margaret Scarry, Sylvia J. Scudder.