Schillemans Thomas : Media and governance : exploring the role of news media in complex systems of governance / edited by Thomas Schillemans and Jon Pierre.
Schiller Angela Farr : The Methuen Drama book of trans plays / edited and with an introduction by Leanna Keyes, Lindsey Mantoan, and Angela Farr Schiller.
Schiller Anne Louise : Dynamics of death : ritual identity and religious change among the Kalimantan Ngaju.
Schiller G : Hydrology of natural and manmade lakes : proceedings of an international symposium held during the XXth General Assembly of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics at Vienna, 11-24 August 1991 / edited by G. Schiller, R. Lemmela, M. Spreafico.
Schiller Gertrud : Iconography of Christian art / translated [from the German] by J. Seligman.
Schiller Heinrich : Über Entstehung und Echtheit des Corpus Caesarianum.
Schiller J : Über Kultur und Methodik beim Studium der Meerespflanzen.
Schiller J E : Human rights : the Cape Town Conference : (proceedings of the first International Conference on Human Rights in South Africa, 22-26 January 1979) / edited by C. F. Forsyth, J. E. Schiller.