Sculcoates Parish Commissioners : A letter of appointment to Ralph Dobson, dated 27th October 1830, appointing him a watchman for district no. 1 within the parish of Sculcoates, and listing the rules governing the office of watchman.
Sculcoates Union : The Hull Docks Company, appellants and the Guardian of the Poor of Sculcoats Union.
Scull John Minister Of The Word : Tvvo sermons, upon that great embassie of our Lord and Sauiour Iesus Christ : recorded by his Euangelist, Saint Matthew, Chap. 10.V.16. Preached by Iohn Scull, an humble professor and minister of the word.
Scultetus Johannes 1595 1645 : The Chyrurgeons store-house : furnished with forty-three tables cut in brass, in which are all sorts of instruments ... useful to the performance of all manual operations ... together with a hundred choise observations of famous cures performed : with three indexes 1. of the instruments, 2. of cures performed, and 3. of things remarkable / written by Johannes Scultetus ; and faithfully Englished by E.B.