Searl Leon : History of animation: [videorecording] : origins of American animation (1900-1921).
Searl Margaret : Margaret Searl, wife to the late Samuel Searl, famous for relieving and curing deafness, ....
Searl Samuel : Samuel Searl, famous for relieving and curing deafness, depending on any external obstruction of the organ of the ear; : hath practised this art above thirty eight years, and still liveth in Pye-Corner, near the Bear Tavern, by West-Smithfield, London ...
Searle Adrian : Unbound : possibilities in painting : [catalogue of an exhibition at the] Hayward Gallery, London, March to May 1994...
Searle Arthur : Barrington family letters, 1628-1632 / edited by Arthur Searle.
Searle Barnes Patrick J : Osteopathic diagnosis / Emanuel A. Sammut, Patrick J. Searle-Barnes.
Searle Barnes R G : Pay and productivity bargaining : a study of the effect of national wage agreements in the Nottinghamshire coalfield.
Searle Emma : Questions and answers in medical ethics : core cases / Emma Searle, Andrew Sewart, Martin J. Vernon.
Searle G A C : Recreational economics and analysis : papers presented at the Symposium on Recreational Economics and Analysis, London, January 1972 / edited by G.A.C. Searle.
Searle H F : A Burmese-English dictionary / compiled under the direction of J.A. Stewart and C.W. Dunn; edited by Hla Pe, A.J. Allott and J.W.A. Okell.
Searle Henry 1616 : A helpe to the willing soul, or, The communicants counsellor : being a plaine and familiar discourse upon sundry maine truths, both doctrinall and practicall, requisite to be known, understood and observed by every Christian before his approach to the Lords table : composed mostly in reference to the rules and directions concerning sacramentall knowledge laid down in an ordinance of both Houses of Parliament of the 20 of October, 1645 / by Henry Searle ; for the benefit and edification of the inhabitants of Aldeburgh in Suffolk.
Searle John Master In Chirurgery : An ephemeris for nine yeeres, inclusive, from the yeere of our Lord God 1609. to the yeere 1617 : Supputated according to the most exquisite obseruations, and hipotheses of the tresnoble Tycho Brah, and diuers others the best modern astronomers of this age, and referred to the meridian longitude of the honorable citie of London. Whereunto is annexed three succinct treatises, the first discoursing of the vse of an ephemeris. The second of the fixed starres, and the third being diuided into foure sections of astrologie. By Iohn Searle, Master in Chyrurgerie.
Searle Muriel V : Lost lines : an anthology of Britain's lost railways.
Searle Peter : Politics in Sarawak, 1970-1976 : the Iban perspective.
Searle Richard : Too many songs by Tom Lehrer : with not enough drawings by Ronald Searle, piano arrangements by Tom Lehrer and Frank Metis / Tom Lehrer, Richard Searle, Frank Metis.
Searle Robert : To the honourable, the knights, citizens and burgesses, of the Commons House of Parliament. : Arguments, or reasons humbly tendered, why the posts should have free liberty to carry letters, &c.
Searle Yvonne : Where analysis meets the arts : the integration of the arts therapies with psychoanalytic theory / edited by Yvonne Searle and Isabelle Streng ; foreword by Andrea Sabbadini.
Searleman Alan : Memory from a broader perspective / Alan Searleman, Douglas Herrmann.