Sheehan Thomas : Psychological and transcendental phenomenology and the confrontation with Heidegger (1927-1931) : the Encyclopaedia Britannica article, the Amsterdam lectures "Phenomenology and anthropology," and Husserl's marginal notes in Being and time, and Kant and the problem of metaphysics / Edmund Husserl ; edited and translated by Thomas Sheehan and Richard E. Palmer.
Sheehan William 1954 : Discovering Pluto : Exploration at the Edge of the Solar System / Dale P. Cruikshank and William Sheehan.
Sheehi Lara : Psychoanalysis under occupation : practicing resistance in Palestine / Lara Sheehi, Stephen Sheehi.
Sheehi Stephen 1967 : Psychoanalysis under occupation : practicing resistance in Palestine / Lara Sheehi, Stephen Sheehi.
Sheehy Colleen J Colleen Josephine 1953 : Highway 61 revisited : Bob Dylan's road from Minnesota to the world / Colleen J. Sheehy and Thomas Swiss, editors.
Sheehy Daniel Edward : The Garland handbook of Latin American music / edited by Dale A. Olsen and Daniel E. Sheehy.
Sheehy David C : Records of the Irish Catholic Church / Patrick J. Corish & David C. Sheehy.
Sheeks Robert B : Directory of selected scientific institutions in mainland China.
Sheelah : A description of a great sea-storm : that happened to some ships in the Gulph of Florida in September last / drawn up by one of the company and sent to his friend in London.
Sheeler Phillip : Cell biology : structure, biochemistry, and function.
Sheen William P : Why woman sins / William P. Sheen and Fred S. Jennings.
Sheene James Sir 1663 : A proposal, shewing how this nation may be vast gainers by all the sums of money, given to the Crown, without lessening the prerogative : humbly offer'd to the King's Most Excellent Majesty, the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and to the knights, citizens, and burgesses, assembled in Parliament / by William Killigrew ; to which is prefix'd the late Honourable Sir James Sheene's letter on the same subject and the proposer's answer.
Sheerin John B : Doing the truth in charity : statements of Pope Paul VI, Popes John Paul I, John Paul II and the Secretariat for Promoting Christian Unity.