Shionoya Yuichi 1932 : Innovation in technology, industries, and institutions : studies in Schumpeterian perspectives / edited by Yuichi Shionoya and Mark Perlman.
Shioya Takashi 1963 : The geometry of total curvature on complete open surfaces / Katsuhiro Shiohama, Takashi Shioya, Minoru Tanaka.
Ship Historical Society Of Finland : Through ice and snow : the story of Finnish winter navigation / compiled by Seppo Laurell ; planning by Erkki Riimala ; translation from Finnish by Elwa Sandbacka.
Shipbuilding Employers Federation : Report of a court of inquiry into a dispute between employers who are members of the Ship-building Employers Federation and workmen who are members of trade unions.
Shipbuilding History Conference 3rd 1983 National Maritime Museu : European shipbuilding : one hundred years of change : proceedings of the Third Shipbuilding History Conference held at the National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, 13th-15th April, 1983 / edited by Fred M. Walker and Anthony Slaven.
Shipley William : William Shipley, founder of the Royal Society of Arts : a biography with documents.
Shipman Alan 1966 : Evidential weight and legal admissibility of information stored electronically : code of practice for the implementation of BS 10008 / Alan Shipman.
Shipman Claire 1962 : The confidence code : the science and art of self-assurance : what women should know / Katty Kay and Claire Shipman.