Sonksen Peter H : Diabetes at your fingertips : the comprehensive and medically accurate manual which tells you all about your diabetes and how to beat it! / Peter Sönksen, Charles Fox, Sue Judd.
Sonkusare Ashok A : Low power excimer laser annealing of zn-implanted gallium arsenide wells.
Sonmans William 1708 : Plantarum historiæ universalis Oxoniensis pars [secunda]-tertia, seu, Herbarum distributio nova : per tabulas cognationis & affinitatis ex libro naturæ observata & detecta / auctore Roberto Morison ... ; partem hanc tertiam, post auctoris mortem, hortatu academiæ explevit & absolvit Jacobus Bobartius ...
Sonn Richard David : Anarchism and cultural politics in fin de siecle France.
Sonnabend Yolanda : Yolanda Sonnabend : stage designs and paintings : [catalogue of an exhibition held at the] Serpentine Gallery, 30 November 1985 - 5 January 1986.
Sonneveldt Nancy Jean : Analysis of a nearly nineteenth-century American periodical, the Spirit of the Pilgrims, with emphasis on religious controversy, revivalism, and social reform.
Sonnevend Julia : Education and social media : toward a digital future / edited by Christine Greenhow, Julia Sonnevend, and Colin Agur.