Stockley Neil : The green book [electronic resource] : new directions for liberals in government
Stockley Nicola : Mad but glad [videorecording] / written and directed by Nicola Stockley.
Stockley Violet : German literature as known in England, 1750-1830.
Stocklmeyer Susan M : Using museums to popularise science and technology / edited by Sharyn Errington (editor), Susan M. Stocklmayer (assoc. editor), Brenton Honeyman (assoc. editor).
Stockman Norman : Women's work in East and West : the dual burden of employment and family life / Norman Stockman, Norman Bonney, Sheng Xuewen.
Stockman Russell : Gustave Caillebotte : painter and patron of Impressionism / edited by Ralph Gleis ; authors: Ralph Gleis (RG), Arnika Groenwald-Schmidt (AGS), Karin Sagner ; translation from German, Russell Stockman.
Stockman Sven K : Directory of Swedish ports and shipping, 1927-1928.
Stocks John Edward : Records of the borough of Leicester : being a series of extracts from the archives of the Corporation of Leicester,1130-1327 / ed by M.Bateson;revised by W.H.Stevenson and J.E.Stocks.
Stocks John Leofric : Jeremy Bentham (1748-1832) the Samuel hall oration for 1933.
Stocks Percy : The adolescent criminal : a medico-sociological study of 4,000 male adolescents / by W. Norwood East in collaboration with Percy Stocks and H.T.P. Young.
Stockton Eric W : The major Latin works of John Gower : The voice of one crying, and, The tripartite chronicle / an annotated tr. into English, with an introductory essay on the author's non-English works, by E.W.Stockton.
Stockton Will : Sex Before Sex : Figuring the Act in Early Modern England / James M. Bromley and Will Stockton, editors ; afterword by Valerie Traub.
Stockton William Active 1663 : The forreign excise considered : Wherein by several arguments and illustrations, is pleaded as well the equity as the conveniencie of charging all forreign goods with an excise, upon the consumption, in order to the increase of His Majesties revenue. Wherein also are answered the several objections against the same; together with some demonstrations, how the setling of such an excise may hereafter become the principal means of inlarging the forreign trade of the kingdom. By W.S. and humbly offered by him to the just consideration of all sober and rational men.