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Author Swanson, Timothy M.
Title International regulation for environmental porection : learning from CITES.
Related title Trade and the environment: the search for balance

 Map Library  Photocopy Collection  24 HOURS  ASK AT DEPT

Descript pp.8-16.
Note from: Trade and the environment: the search for balance / edited by James Cameron, Paul Demaret and Damien Geradin. -- London: Cameron May, 1994.
Photocopy. Hull : University of Hull, date as cat. date.
Chapter or other extract from edited book.
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Author Swanson, Timothy M.
Related title Trade and the environment: the search for balance
Descript pp.8-16.
Note from: Trade and the environment: the search for balance / edited by James Cameron, Paul Demaret and Damien Geradin. -- London: Cameron May, 1994.
Photocopy. Hull : University of Hull, date as cat. date.
Chapter or other extract from edited book.
Author Swanson, Timothy M.
Related title Trade and the environment: the search for balance
 Map Library  Photocopy Collection  24 HOURS  ASK AT DEPT

Descript pp.8-16.
Note from: Trade and the environment: the search for balance / edited by James Cameron, Paul Demaret and Damien Geradin. -- London: Cameron May, 1994.
Photocopy. Hull : University of Hull, date as cat. date.
Chapter or other extract from edited book.

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