Temperley Stephen : The late proterozoic to early palaeozoic geological development of the Glen Banchor area in the Monadhliath Mountains of Scotland, with particular reference to deformation in late Pre-Cambrian shear zones and in the Central Highland steep belt.
Temperton Paul : Up North! : how to unshackle a forgotten people / edited by P. Temperton.
Temple C L Charles Lindsay 1871 1929 : Notes on the tribes, provinces, emirates, and states of the northern provinces of Nigeria / compiled from official reports by O. Temple ; edited by C. L. Temple.
Temple Frederick 1821 1902 : Bishop Temple on the permissive bill / speech of the Right Reverend Lord Bishop of Exeter as chairman of a public meeting in behalf of the Permissive Prohibitory Liquor Bill, in the New Victoria Hall, Exeter, June 22nd, 1870.
Temple Grenville : The shores and islands of the Mediterranean / by G.Temple.
Temple Helen J : The status and distribution of European mammals / compiled by Helen J. Temple and Andrew Terry.
Temple Hilary : Cost effectiveness of open learning for small firms : a study of first experiences of open learning.
Temple Jeff R : Sexting : motives and risk in online sexual self-presentation / Michel Walrave, Joris Van Ouytsel, Koen Ponnet, Jeff R. Temple, editors.