Timmermans Stefan 1968 : Boundary objects and beyond : working with Leigh Star / edited by Geoffrey C. Bowker, Stefan Timmermans, Adele E. Clarke, and Ellen Balka.
Timmermans Wilhelmina : De Nederduitsch Hervormde Gemeente te Utrecht in verband met het toenemend aantal onkerkelijken en in haar relatie tot haar evangelisatie-orgaan.
Timmers Corriejanne : Faxen, faxte, gefaxt : de juiste spelling van ruim 1500 oorspronkelijk vreemde werkwoorden.
Timoner Ondi : We live in public [videorecording] / written and directed by Ondi Timoner
Timor Laws Statutes Etc : Estatuto politico-administrativo da provincia de Timor : decreto no. 547/72 de 22 de Dezenmbro.
Timorcus Theophilus : The Covenanters plea against absolvers. Or, A modest discourse, shewing why those who in England & Scotland took the Solemn League and Covenant, cannot judge their consciences discharged from the obligation of it, by any thing heretofore said by the Oxford men; or lately by Dr Featly, Dr. Gauden, or any others. : In which also several cases relating to promisory oathes, and to the said Covenant in special, are spoken to, and determined by Scripture, reason, and the joynt suffrages of casuists. Contrary to the indigested notions of some late writers; yet much to the sense of the Reverend Dr. Sanderson. / Written by Theophilus Timorcus a well-wisher to students in casuistical divinity.
Timoreus Theophilus : Tēs pisteōs elegchos, or, The reason of faith : briefly discuss'd in a sermon, preach'd at Pauls before the Right Honourable, the Lord Mayor, &c., the third of October, 1658, and publish'd by the order of his lordship, and Court of Aldermen / by Peter Vinke ...