Tonkinson A M : Macclesfield in the later fouteenth century : communities of town and forest.
Tonkinson Myrna : Mortality, mourning and mortuary practices in indigenous Australia / edited by Katie Glaskin, Myrna Tonkinson, Yasmine Musharbash, Victoria Burbank.
Tonkyn Richard George : The effect of steric inhibition on the principal electronic transition of some benzene derivatives : an analysis of Taft's polar substituent constan : thesis for the degree of doctor of philosophy.
Tonlinson John : Stories and sketches relating to Yorkshire.
Took Brian Leonard : Expert system for the selection of material for pressure vessel design.
Took Elizabeth : The case of Sir Robert Atkyns, Knight of the Honourable Order of the Bath, upon his appeal against a decree obtain'd by Mrs. Elizabeth Took, (the now wife of Thomas Took, Esq.) and others, plaintiffs in Chancery, about a separate maintenance of 200 l per ann. clear above all charges settled on Mrs. Took, beside a large jointure
Took J E : "L'etterno piacer" : aesthetic ideas in Dante.