Torporley Nathaniel 1564 1632 : Diclides coelometricæ seu valvæ astronomicæ vniversales : omnia artis totius munera psephophoretica in sat modicis finibus duarum tabularum methodo noua, generali, & facilima continentes. Praeunte directionis accuratæ consumata doctrina, astrologis hactenus plurimùm desiderata. Authore Nathale Torporlæo Salopiensi in secessu Philotheoro.
Torpvret Maud : Svara ord : Lexikon over 12000 ord med forklaringar.
Torquato Antonio Active 15th Century : Wonderful predictions of Nostredamus, Grebner, David Pareus, and Antonius Torquatus : wherein the grandeur of Their present Majesties, the happiness of England, and downfall of France and Rome, are plainly delineated : with a large preface, shewing, that the crown of England has been not obscurely foretold to Their Majesties William III and Mary, late Prince and Princess of Orange, and that the people of this ancient monarchy have duly contributed thereunto, in the present assembly of Lords and Commons, notwithstanding the objections of men and different extremes.
Torquato Salvatore : Random heterogeneous materials : microstructure and macrostructrue properties.