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Turenne Anne De La Tour Dauvergne Vicomtesse De : Certain letters, evidencing the Kings stedfastness in the Protestant religion: : sent from the Princess of Turenne, and the ministers of Charenton, to some persons of quality in London.
Turford Hugh : The merchants aid: or, An help to the unskilful accomptant. : Containing certain necessary tables of value, and other things appertaining to merchanize. Composed in so short plain, and familiar a method, that he that can but make a short addition, may readily find the value of any commodity commonly bought or sold after our English accompt of weight, measure and coin. Newly calculated, approved, and set forth for the ease and benefit of all men so occupied. / By Hugh Turford..
Turheim Ulrich Von : Das Tristan-Epos Gottfrieds von Strassburg mit der Fortsetzung des Ulrich von Turheim nach der Heidelberger Handschriften Cod. Pal. germ. 360 / herausgegeben von W. Spiewok.
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Turing Alan Mathison 1912 1954 : The essential Turing : seminal writings in computing, logic, philosophy, artificial intelligence, and artificial life plus the secrets of enigma / edited by B. Jack Copeland.
Turino Jon : Design to test : a definitive guide for electronic design, manufacture, and service.
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