United Nations Interregional Crime And Justice Research Institute : Understanding crime : experiences of crime and crime control : acts of the international conference, Rome, 18-20 November 1992 / edited by Anna Alvazzi del Frate, Ugljesa Zvekic, Jan J.M. van Dijk.
United Nations Office Of Social Affairs : Cost-benefit analysis of social projects : report of a meeting of experts held in Rennes, France, 27 September - 2 October, 1965.
United Nations Seminar On The Question Of Palestine 1st 1980 Aru : Theme: "The inalienable rights of the Palestinian people" : the first United Nations Seminar on the Question of Palestine, 14 July-18 July 1980, Arusha ; the second United Nations Seminar on the Question of Palestine : 25 August-29 August 1980, Vienna.
United Nations Seminar On The Question Of Palestine 2nd 1980 Vie : Theme: "The inalienable rights of the Palestinian people" : the first United Nations Seminar on the Question of Palestine, 14 July-18 July 1980, Arusha ; the second United Nations Seminar on the Question of Palestine : 25 August-29 August 1980, Vienna.
United Nations Special European Social Welfare Programme : European Seminar on Inter-Country Adoption, Leysin, Switzerland, 22-31 May 1960 / organized by the Technical Assistance Office of the United Nations (Geneva) and the Swiss Federal Office of Industry, Arts and Crafts and Labour with the cooperation of the International Social Service and the International Union for Child Welfare.
United Nations Technical Assistance Administration European Office : European Seminar on Training of Personnel for Children's Institutions held at Baarn(Hilversum), Netherlands, 16-27 September 1956 / organized by the European Office of the Technical Assistance Administration of the United Nations.