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Corporate Author Universität Wien, Institut für Theaterwissenschaft.
Title Maske und Kothurn : Vierteljahrsschrift für Theaterwissen-schaft / hrsg. vom Institut für THeatewissenschaft an der Universität Wien.
Publication Info Wien : Böhlau.

 BJL basement journals  PN 2004 M39  1955/79, v.0  7 DAYS  ASK at the Reading Room
 BJL basement journals  PN 2004 M39  1971, v.17  7 DAYS  ASK at the Reading Room
 BJL basement journals  PN 2004 M39  1980, v.26  7 DAYS  ASK at the Reading Room
 BJL basement journals  PN 2004 M39  1981, v.27  7 DAYS  ASK at the Reading Room
 BJL basement journals  PN 2004 M39  1982, v.28  7 DAYS  ASK at the Reading Room
 BJL basement journals  PN 2004 M39  1983/84,v.29-30  7 DAYS  ASK at the Reading Room
 BJL basement journals  PN 2004 M39  1985/86,v.31-32  7 DAYS  ASK at the Reading Room
 BJL basement journals  PN 2004 M39  1987, v.33  7 DAYS  ASK at the Reading Room
 BJL basement journals  PN 2004 M39  1988, v.34  7 DAYS  ASK at the Reading Room
 BJL basement journals  PN 2004 M39  1989, v.35  7 DAYS  ASK at the Reading Room

Library Holdings Library has: v.1-36,1955-1996.
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Corporate Author Universität Wien, Institut für Theaterwissenschaft.
Subject Theater.
Library Holdings Library has: v.1-36,1955-1996.
Corporate Author Universität Wien, Institut für Theaterwissenschaft.
Subject Theater.
 BJL basement journals  PN 2004 M39  1955/79, v.0  7 DAYS  ASK at the Reading Room
 BJL basement journals  PN 2004 M39  1971, v.17  7 DAYS  ASK at the Reading Room
 BJL basement journals  PN 2004 M39  1980, v.26  7 DAYS  ASK at the Reading Room
 BJL basement journals  PN 2004 M39  1981, v.27  7 DAYS  ASK at the Reading Room
 BJL basement journals  PN 2004 M39  1982, v.28  7 DAYS  ASK at the Reading Room
 BJL basement journals  PN 2004 M39  1983/84,v.29-30  7 DAYS  ASK at the Reading Room
 BJL basement journals  PN 2004 M39  1985/86,v.31-32  7 DAYS  ASK at the Reading Room
 BJL basement journals  PN 2004 M39  1987, v.33  7 DAYS  ASK at the Reading Room
 BJL basement journals  PN 2004 M39  1988, v.34  7 DAYS  ASK at the Reading Room
 BJL basement journals  PN 2004 M39  1989, v.35  7 DAYS  ASK at the Reading Room

Subject Theater.
Library Holdings Library has: v.1-36,1955-1996.

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