Walker George : International education in practice [electronic resource] : dimensions for national & international schools / edited by Mary Hayden, Jeff Thompson, George Walker.
Walker George B D 1651 : An exhortation to his dearely beloued countrimen, all the natiues of the countie of Lancaster, inhabiting in and about the Citie of London; : tending to perswade and stirre them vp to a yearely contribution, for the erecting of lectures, and maintaining of some godly and painfull preachers in such places of that country as have most neede, by reason of ignorance and superstition there abounding: / composed by George Walker pastor of St. Iohn the Euangelists ...
Walker George E : The Afro-American in New York City, 1827-1860.
Walker George Of Lincolns Inn : Anglo-tyrannus, or the idea of a Norman monarch, represented in the paralell reignes of Henrie the Third and Charles kings of England, : wherein the whole management of affairs under the Norman kings is manifested, together with the real ground, and rise of all those former, and these latter contestations between the princes, and people of this nation, upon the score of prerogative and liberty. And the impious, abusive, and delusive practises are in short discovered, by which the English have been bobbed of their freedome, and the Norman tyrannie founded and continued over them. / By G.W. of Lincolnes Inne.
Walker H : The Impotent lover : accurately described in six elegies upon old age; with the old doting letcher's resentments on the past pleasures and vigorous performances of youth. Made English from the Latin of Cn. Cornelius Gallus. By H. Walker, Gent.
Walker Hayley Joanne : The cost of caring among healthcare professionals : the development of compassion fatigue and preventative measures and interventions for burnout.
Walker Helen : Eminent philanthropists, patriots and reformers.
Walker Henry Active 1643 : The remonstrance of the Commons of England, to the House of Commons assembled in Parliament : Preferred to them by the hands of the speaker.
Walker Henry Aston : Judgement on Hatcham : the history of a religious struggle, 1877-1886.