Wheeler Thomas Approximately 1620 1676 : A thankefull remembrance of Gods mercy to several persons at Quabaug or Brookfield : partly in a collection of providences about them, and gracious appearances for them: and partly in a sermon preached by Mr. Edward Bulkley, Pastor of the Church of Christ at Concord, upon a day of thanksgiving, kept by divers for their wonderfull deliverance there. Published by Capt. Thomas VVheeler. [Five lines from Psalms]
Wheeler Thomas Martin : Chartist fiction : Thomas Doubleday, The political pilgrim's progress : Thomas Martin Wheeler, Sunshine and shadow / edited by Ian Haywood.
Wheeler Ward : Techniques in molecular systematics and evolution / edited by Rob DeSalle, Gonzalo Giribet, Ward Wheeler.
Wheeler William : A spiritual portion of heavenly treasure : bequeathed by Mr. William Wheeler, late minister of the Gospel, and pastor of a church of Christ at Cranfield in Bedfordshire, as his last legacy to his wife and children.
Wheeler William A : Beyond business process reengineering : towards the holonic enterprise / Patrick McHugh, Giorgio Merli, William A. Wheeler.
Wheelock Eleazar 1711 1779 : Memoirs of the Rev. Eleazar Wheelock, D.D. / by David M'Clure and Elijah Parish.
Wheelock Frederick M : Quintilian as educator : selections from the 'Institutio oratora'...translated by H.E. Butler.
Wheelock Fredric M : Latin : an introductory course based on ancient authors.
Wheelock Gerald C : Macrosocial accounting for municipalities in the Philippines : rural banks and credit cooperatives / edited by G.C. Wheelock and F.W. Young : #bCornell, International Agriculture Bulletin, 26.
Wheelock Jane 1944 : Riding the roller coaster : family life and self-employment / Susan Baines, Jane Wheelock and Ulrike Gelder.
Wheildon Colin 1936 : Type & layout : are you communicating or just making pretty shapes? / by Colin Wheildon ; with additional material by Geoffrey Heard.
Whelan Christopher J Christopher John 1958 : Restoration of endangered species : conceptual issues, planning, and implementation / edited by Marlin L. Bowles and Christopher J. Whelan.