White L Active 1676 : Most wicked, cruel, bloody, and barbarous news from this last Lent Assizes at the city of Winchester in Hampshire : being a full and true relation of George Bromman, and Dorothy Newman, his wicked strumpet, being both agreed to make away his own wife, and son ... : also the manner how they were hang'd in chains ... on Tuesday the 7th of this instant March, 1676 : as also an account of a young-man that murdered his sweet-heart, being his fellow-servant at Stratford by Bow ... : as also hovv he vvas condemn'd to be hang'd at Chelmsford Assizes, the 28th of February, 1676 / by L. White.
White Law : The charitable farmer of Somersetshire: or, God's great and vvonderful vvork. : Being a true relation of an honest, godly man, that lived at Welling, within three mile of the city of Wells, which sold his wheat to poor people at six shillings a bushel, when the market price was ten and eleven shillings, for which he was much derided and scoft at, by his rich neighbours: but was recompenced by an extraordinary crap [sic] of wheat, like never before heard of, each stolk of straw, having divers full large ears, some seven, some eight, nine, and ten, so to thirteen, but generally ten ears on every straw throughout the field, which was ten acres and upwards, of which, divers ears are to be seen at divers coffee-houses in the city of London. Likewise a pattern of all covetous greedy-minded men, to be charitable unto their poor neighbours, from the consideration of so remarkable an example. / By Law. White.
White Lawrence H : Free banking in Britain : theory, experience and debate, 1800-1845.
White Leslie William : The industrial revolution and the economic world of today : a study of industrial changes and their effects in Great Britain and of contemporary economic structure.
White Lilly : The road to fortune, a tale of the King's dragoon guards / Charles E. Dering.
White Margaret : Sound sex education : preparation for marriage and parenthood : a handbook for parents, teachers and education authorities / Margaret White, Jennet Kidd
White Michael D Michael Douglas 1951 : Jammed up : bad cops, police misconduct, and the New York City Police Department / Robert J. Kane and Michael D. White ; preface by Candace McCoy.
White Micheline : Ashgate critical essays on women writers in England, 1550-1700. Vol. 3, Anne Lock, Isabella Whitney and Aemilia Lanyer / edited by Micheline White.