Wilkins Michael : Worship, theology and ministry in the early Church : essays in honor of Ralph P/ Martin / edited by Michael Wilkins and Terence Paige.
Wilkins Rhett 1979 : The puffy chair [videorecording] / directed by Jay Duplass.
Wilkins Richard : The sope-patentees of Londons petition opened and explained. Or, The unmasking of these cruel sope-patentees deceitful petition, presented by them to the Honorable House of Commons. : Wherein you have a discovery made (in part and but in part) of the great sufferings of this common-wealth: as also of the special sufferings of some free-born subjects in their liberties and estates, sustained by these cruel sope-monopolers. / By Richard Wilkins.
Wilkins Richard 1623 1704 : Advertisement : it has been thought proper to certify ... that Mr. Richard Wilkins ... has ... taken care to furnish himself with such a variety of books on all subjects both old & new as is not to be found in any other part of America ...
Wilkins Richard M : Accounting standards 2000/2001 / general editor, Richard M. Wilkins.
Wilkins Robert : Behaviour problems in children : orthodox and paradox in therapy.
Wilkins Robert C : International maritime and admiralty law / William Tetley ; with the assistance of Robert C. Wilkins.
Wilkins Timothy A : Peacemaking and peacekeeping for the next century : report of the 25th Vienna Seminar, 2-4 March 1995 / co-sponsored by the government of Austria & International Peace Academy ; rapporteurs: Ameen Jan, Robert C. Orr, and Timothy A. Wilkins.
Wilkinson Alex Cherry : Classroom computers and cognitive science / edited by Alex Cherry Wilkinson.
Wilkinson Alexander S 1975 : French vernacular books : books published in the French language before 1601 = Livres vernaculaires français : livres imprimés en français avant 1601 / edited by Andrew Pettegree, Malcolm Walsby, Alexander Wilkinson.
Wilkinson Antony J : The application of self tuning to power-station control loops / Antony James Wilkinson.
Wilkinson Arthur Approximately 1842 1894 : H.M.S. Pinafore, or, The lass that loved a sailor / written by W.S. Gilbert, music by Arthur Sullivan ; In the sulks / written by Frank Desprez.
Wilkinson Bryan : To the present authority of Parliament now sitting, : and to all other rulers and officers belonging to this nation of England, who now bears chiefest rule. Some words of reflection to you all, touching those who bear rule before you, whom the Lord hath justly put down from their seats ... but this chiefly to you who are the present rulers [to] put you in minde of the cry of the neglect of the righteous; also to yourselves a warning and true admonition. / [by] Bryan Wilkinson.