World Bank Independent Evaluation Group : From schooling access to learning outcomes, an unfinished agenda [electronic resource] : an evaluation of World Bank support to primary education.
World Bank Institute : Privatization and regulation of transport infrastructure : guidelines for policymakers and regulators / edited by Antonio Estache, Ginés de Rus.
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World Commission On Environment And Development Experts Group On Environmen : Environmental protection and sustainable development : legal principles and recommendations : adopted by the Experts Group on Environmental Law of the World Commission on Environment and Development / R.D. Munro, J.G. Lammers.
World Commission On Protected Areas : Sustainable tourism in protected areas : guidelines for planning and management / Paul F.J. Eagles, Stephen F. McCool and Christopher D. Haynes.
World Confederation Of Underwater Activities : Scientific diving : a general code of practice / edited by N.C. Flemming and M.D. Max ; sponsored by the World Underwater Federation (CMAS) and UNESCO's Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC).
World Conference On Faith And Order 4th Montreal 1963 : World Council of Churches, Faith and Order Commission / The Fourth World Conference on Faith and Order, Montreal, 1963 ; the report edited by P.C. Rodger and L. Vischer.
World Conference On Fertility And Sterility 18th 2004 Montreal Ca : Advances in fertility and reproductive medicine : proceedings of the 18th World Congress on Fertility and Sterility held in Montréal, Canada between 23 and 28 May 2004 / editors: Salim Daya, Robert F. Harrison, Roger D. Kempers.
World Congress Against Imperialism : Report of the first International Conference of the Peoples of Europe, Asia, Africa against Imperialism, Paris, june 1948.
World Congress For General Disarmament And Peace : General and complete disarmament is a guarantee of peace and security for all nations : Nikita Khrushchov addresses World Congress for General Disarmament and Peace.