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HC 413 S7 S7    
      The financial structure and its implications for monetary policy in the SEACEN countries. South East Asian Collection  BOOK 1986
      SEACEN financial statistics : money and banking July 1991. South East Asian Collection  BOOK 1991
      South East Asia uncovered : a one day course for industry presented by South East Asian Studies Depar South East Asian Collection  BOOK 1989
      Southeast Asia / edited by J.G. Taylor and A. Turton. South East Asian Collection  BOOK 1988
4 additional entries    
HC 413 S7 S74 / (WC) : The South East Asian economic review.; South East Asian Collection     
      The South East Asian economic review. South East Asian Collection  PERIODICAL 1988
HC 413 S7 S78 / (WC)q : Annual report of the standing committee/ Association of Southeast Asian Nations.; South East Asian Collection     
      Annual report of the standing committee/ Association of Southeast Asian Nations. South East Asian Collection  PERIODICAL 1992
HC 413 S7 S9 / p : The role of Great powers in Southeast Asia.; South East Asian Collection     
      The role of Great powers in Southeast Asia. South East Asian Collection  BOOK 1988
HC 413 S7 T6    
      The bid towards economic recovery in the SEACEN countries. South East Asian Collection  BOOK 1987
      The economies of Southeast Asia : before and after the crisis. South East Asian Collection  BOOK 2002
HC 413 S7 U5 / (WC) : Uneven development in South East Asia / edited by Chris Dixon and David Drakakis-Smith.; South East Asian Collection     
      Uneven development in South East Asia / edited by Chris Dixon and David Drakakis-Smith. South East Asian Collection  BOOK 1997
HC 413 S7 W3 : Weathering the storm : the economies of Southeast Asia in the 1930's depression / edited by Peter Boomgaard, Ian Brown.; South East Asian Collection     
      Weathering the storm : the economies of Southeast Asia in the 1930's depression / edited by Peter Boo South East Asian Collection  BOOK 2000
HC 413 S7 W5 : Western Europe and South-East Asia : co-operation or competition? / edited by Giuseppe Schiavone.; South East Asian Collection     
      Western Europe and South-East Asia : co-operation or competition? / edited by Giuseppe Schiavone. South East Asian Collection  BOOK 1989
HC 413 S7 Y6 / (WC) : The rise of ersatz capitalism in South-East Asia.; South East Asian Collection     
      The rise of ersatz capitalism in South-East Asia. South East Asian Collection  BOOK 1988
HC 413 S73 E5 : Developing economies and the environment : the Southeast Asian experience / edited by C. MacAndrews, Chia Lin Sien.; South East Asian Collection     
      Developing economies and the environment : the Southeast Asian experience / edited by C. MacAndrews, South East Asian Collection  BOOK 1979
HC 415 C3 I4 : Infrastructure and productivity in Asia : political, financial, physical and intellectual underpinnings / John B. Kidd and Frank-Jürgen Richter, [editors].; BJL     
      Infrastructure and productivity in Asia : political, financial, physical and intellectual underpinnin BJL  BOOK 2005
HC 415 E44 S4 : Beyond the crisis : development strategies in Asia.; BJL     
      Beyond the crisis : development strategies in Asia. BJL  BOOK 1999
HC 415 E5 E5 : Energy, the environment, and the oil market : an Asia-Pacific perspective / edited by Shankar Sharma.; BJL     
      Energy, the environment, and the oil market : an Asia-Pacific perspective / edited by Shankar Sharma. BJL  BOOK 1994
HC 415 E5 G3 : Geography and the environment in Southeast Asia : proceedings of the Department of Geography and Geology jubilee symposium, University of Hong Kong, 21-25 June, 1976 / edited by R.D. Hill and J.M. Bray.; South East Asian Collection     
      Geography and the environment in Southeast Asia : proceedings of the Department of Geography and Geol South East Asian Collection  BOOK 1978
HC 415 I55 I6 : The Internet revolution : a global perspective / edited by Emanuele Giovannetti, Mitsuhiro Kagami and Masatsugu Tsuji.; BJL     
      The Internet revolution : a global perspective / edited by Emanuele Giovannetti, Mitsuhiro Kagami and BJL  BOOK 2003
HC415.15 .E285 2016 : Economic development in the Middle East and North Africa : challenges and prospects / edited by Mohamed Sami Ben Ali.; BJL     
      Economic development in the Middle East and North Africa : challenges and prospects / edited by Moham BJL  BOOK 2016
HC415.15 .E292 2009 : Economic performance in the Middle East and North Africa : institutions, corruption and reform / edited by Serdar Sayan ; with foreword by Daron Acemoglu.; BJL     
      Economic performance in the Middle East and North Africa : institutions, corruption and reform / edit BJL  BOOK 2009
HC 415.15 H5 : Globalization and the politics of development in the Middle East / Clement M. Henry, Robert Springborg.; BJL     
      Globalization and the politics of development in the Middle East / Clement M. Henry, Robert Springbor BJL  BOOK 2010
HC 415.15 I7 : The Middle East in the world economy : a long range historical view.; BJL     
      The Middle East in the world economy : a long range historical view. BJL  BOOK 1985
HC 415.15 K5 : Britain and the politics of modernization in the Middle East, 1945-1958.; BJL     
      Britain and the politics of modernization in the Middle East, 1945-1958. BJL  BOOK 1996
HC 415.15 K9 : The long divergence : how Islamic law held back the Middle East / Timur Kuran.; BJL     
      The long divergence : how Islamic law held back the Middle East / Timur Kuran. BJL  BOOK c2011
HC 415.15 T9 : Capitalism and class in the Middle East : theories of social change and economic development.; BJL     
      Capitalism and class in the Middle East : theories of social change and economic development. BJL  BOOK 1984
HC 415.15 W7 : Economic development in the Middle East / Rodney Wilson.; BJL     
      Economic development in the Middle East / Rodney Wilson. BJL  BOOK 1995
HC 415.2 C5 : Associate status with the E.E.C. and its implications for the economy of Cyprus.; BJL     
      Associate status with the E.E.C. and its implications for the economy of Cyprus. BJL  BOOK 1975
HC 415.24 S1 : Modernization without revolution : Lebanon's experience.; BJL     
      Modernization without revolution : Lebanon's experience. BJL  BOOK 1973
HC 415.25 J5 : Palestine : land settlement, urban development and immigration : memorandum submitted to Sir John Hope Simpson, C.I.E., Special Commissioner of His Majesty's Government, July, 1930.; BJL     
      Palestine : land settlement, urban development and immigration : memorandum submitted to Sir John Hop BJL  BOOK 1930
HC415.3 .E47 2015eb : Employment and career motivation in the Arab Gulf States : the rentier mentality revisited / edited by Annika Kropf and Mohamed A. Ramady.; Online materials     
      Employment and career motivation in the Arab Gulf States : the rentier mentality revisited / edited b Online materials  EBOOKS 2015
HC415.3 .H365 : Money, markets, and monarchies : the Gulf Cooperation Council and the political economy of the contemporary Middle East / Adam Hanieh, School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London.; BJL     
      Money, markets, and monarchies : the Gulf Cooperation Council and the political economy of the contem BJL  BOOK 2018
HC 415.3 K9 : Oil, industrialization & development in the Arab Gulf states.; BJL     
      Oil, industrialization & development in the Arab Gulf states. BJL  BOOK 1984
HC415.3 .M55 2016 : Desert kingdoms to global powers : the rise of the Arab Gulf / Rory Miller.; BJL     
      Desert kingdoms to global powers : the rise of the Arab Gulf / Rory Miller. BJL  BOOK 2016
HC 415.33 A3 : Saudi Arabia : a case study in development.; BJL     
      Saudi Arabia : a case study in development. BJL  BOOK 1986
HC 415.33 S2 / q : Fourth development plan, 1405-1410a.h., 1985-1990a.d.; BJL     
      Fourth development plan, 1405-1410a.h., 1985-1990a.d. BJL  BOOK 1985
HC 415.33 W7 : Economic development in Saudi Arabia / Rodney Wilson, with Abdullah Al-Salamah ... [et al.].; BJL     
      Economic development in Saudi Arabia / Rodney Wilson, with Abdullah Al-Salamah ... [et al.]. BJL  BOOK 2004
HC 415.35 B3 : Basic components and main indicators of the plan (2001-2005).; BJL     
      Basic components and main indicators of the plan (2001-2005). BJL  BOOK 2001
HC 415.36 D2 : Abu Dhabi : oil and beyond / Christopher M. Davidson.; BJL     
      Abu Dhabi : oil and beyond / Christopher M. Davidson. BJL  BOOK c2009
HC 415.36 E4 : The economic development of the United Arab Emirates / Ragaei el Mallakh.; BJL     
      The economic development of the United Arab Emirates / Ragaei el Mallakh. BJL  BOOK 2015
HC 415.36 H4 : From pearls to oil : how the oil industry came to the United Arab Emirates / David Heard.; BJL     
      From pearls to oil : how the oil industry came to the United Arab Emirates / David Heard. BJL  BOOK 2013
HC 415.39 E4 : The absorptive capacity of Kuwait : domestic and international perspectives / R. El Mallakh, J.K. Atta.; BJL     
      The absorptive capacity of Kuwait : domestic and international perspectives / R. El Mallakh, J.K. Att BJL  BOOK 1981
HC 417 F8 : Afghanistan : between East and West.; BJL     
      Afghanistan : between East and West. BJL  BOOK 1960
HC 417 F9 : The Afghan economy : money, finance, and the critical constraints to economic development.; BJL     
      The Afghan economy : money, finance, and the critical constraints to economic development. BJL  BOOK 1974
HC420.3 : The new continentalism : energy and twenty-first-century Eurasian geopolitics / Kent E. Calder.; Online materials     
      The new continentalism : energy and twenty-first-century Eurasian geopolitics / Kent E. Calder. Online materials  EBOOKS 2012
HC 422 A1 B93    
      Economic survey of Burma. South East Asian Collection  BOOK 1951-
      Economic survey of Burma. South East Asian Collection  BOOK 1951-
      Economic survey of Burma/ Burma. Ministry of Finance and Revenue. South East Asian Collection  PERIODICAL 1961
      Economic survey of Burma/ Burma. Ministry of National Planning. South East Asian Collection  PERIODICAL 1961
HC 422 A1 B94 / (WE) : The national income of Burma/ Burma. Ministry of National Planning.; South East Asian Collection     
      The national income of Burma/ Burma. Ministry of National Planning. South East Asian Collection  PERIODICAL 1955
HC 422 A1 E19 / (WE)q : Country report : Myanmar(Burma).; South East Asian Collection     
      Country report : Myanmar(Burma). South East Asian Collection  PERIODICAL 2005
HC 422 A1 E192 / (WE)q : Country profile : Myanmar(Burma).; South East Asian Collection     
      Country profile : Myanmar(Burma). South East Asian Collection  PERIODICAL 2005
HC 422 A2 : Economic resources of the Union of Burma.; South East Asian Collection     
      Economic resources of the Union of Burma. South East Asian Collection  BOOK 1971
HC 422 A5    
      Basic problems of relief rehabilitation and reconstruction in South -East Asia. South East Asian Collection  BOOK 1946
      Burmese economic life. South East Asian Collection  BOOK 1948
      Rural reconstruction in Burma. South East Asian Collection  BOOK 1936
HC 422 B2 : Burma and Indonesia : comparative political economy and foreign policy.; South East Asian Collection     
      Burma and Indonesia : comparative political economy and foreign policy. South East Asian Collection  BOOK 1983
HC 422 B9    
      Pyidawtha : the new Burma : a report on our long-termprogramme for economic and social development. South East Asian Collection  BOOK 1954
      Report of the Burma Retrenchment Committee. South East Asian Collection  BOOK 1923
HC 422 C5 : The economic development of Burma and Thailand a quantitative analysis.; South East Asian Collection     
      The economic development of Burma and Thailand a quantitative analysis. South East Asian Collection  BOOK 1963
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