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AS 2 M66 : Minerva : internationales Verzeichnis wissenschaftlicher Institutionen / herausgegeben von W. SChuder.; BJL     
      Minerva : internationales Verzeichnis wissenschaftlicher Institutionen / herausgegeben von W. SChuder BJL  BOOK 1972
AS 2.5 C2 : Les missions permanentes aupres des organisations internationales.; BJL     
      Les missions permanentes aupres des organisations internationales. BJL  BOOK 1971
AS 2.5 N6 : De nieuwe opensamenleving.; BJL     
      De nieuwe opensamenleving. BJL  BOOK 1973
AS 2.5 O6 : The open society of the future.; BJL     
      The open society of the future. BJL  BOOK 1900
AS 2.5 V4 : Verbände in vergleichender Perspektive : Beiträge zu einem vernachlassigten Feld / Ulrich von Alemann, Bernhard Wessels (Hg.).; BJL     
      Verbände in vergleichender Perspektive : Beiträge zu einem vernachlassigten Feld / Ulrich BJL  BOOK 1997
AS 4 I6    
      Information bulletin of the League of Nations' Intellectual Co-operation Organisation. BJL  PERIODICAL  
      Information bulletin of the League of Nations Intellelectual Co-operation. BJL  BOOK  
      Intellectual co-operation : bulletin of the League of Nations' Intellectual Co-operation Organisation BJL  PERIODICAL  
      Intellectual Co-operation : Intellectual Co-operation Bulletin of the League of Nations Intellectual BJL  BOOK  
AS 4 U5 S6 : Sixtieth anniversary of the founding in Belgium of the U.A.T.; BJL     
      Sixtieth anniversary of the founding in Belgium of the U.A.T. BJL  BOOK 1970
AS4.U83 M47 2018 : A future in ruins : UNESCO, world heritage, and the dream of peace / Lynn Meskell.; BJL     
      A future in ruins : UNESCO, world heritage, and the dream of peace / Lynn Meskell. BJL  BOOK 2018
AS 4 U83 S6 : United Nations Educational, scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) : creating norms for a complex world / J.P. Singh.; BJL     
      United Nations Educational, scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) : creating norms for a com BJL  BOOK 2011
AS6 .A44 2009 : Event planning : the ultimate guide to successful meetings, corporate events, fund-raising galas, conferences, conventions, incentives and other special events / Judy Allen.; BJL     
      Event planning : the ultimate guide to successful meetings, corporate events, fund-raising galas, con BJL  BOOK c2009
AS 6 C7 : Communication or conflict : conferences : their nature, dynamics, and planning / edited by Mary Capes, with the collaboration of A. T. M. Wilson.; BJL     
      Communication or conflict : conferences : their nature, dynamics, and planning / edited by Mary Capes BJL  BOOK 1960
AS 6 H4 : More bloody meetings : the human side of meetings.; BJL     
      More bloody meetings : the human side of meetings. BJL  BOOK 1984
AS 6 H9 : Bring your own towel : a guide to residential conference centres.; BJL     
      Bring your own towel : a guide to residential conference centres. BJL  BOOK 1977
AS 6 I61 : Bulletin/ International Council for Philosophy and Humanistic Studies.; BJL     
      Bulletin/ International Council for Philosophy and Humanistic Studies. BJL  PERIODICAL 1989
AS 6 J4 : How to run a meeting.; BJL     
      How to run a meeting. BJL  BOOK 1976
AS 6 J7 : How to run seminars and workshops : presentation skills for consultants, trainers, and teachers / Robert L. Jolles.; BJL     
      How to run seminars and workshops : presentation skills for consultants, trainers, and teachers / Rob BJL  BOOK 2001
AS 6 L8 : How to run committees and meetings : a guidebook to practical politics.; BJL     
      How to run committees and meetings : a guidebook to practical politics. BJL  BOOK 1980
AS 6 O6 / q : Better meetings : a handbook for individuals, groups and trainers.; BJL     
      Better meetings : a handbook for individuals, groups and trainers. BJL  BOOK 1990
AS 6 S4    
      How to organise conferences and meetings. BJL  BOOK 1992
      How to organise effective conferences and meetings. BJL  BOOK 1987
AS 6 S6    
      Conferences and courses : their planning and administration . BJL  BOOK 1970
      Honorary officers and what they do. BJL  BOOK 1973
AS 6 W7 : Planning a successful conference.; BJL     
      Planning a successful conference. BJL  BOOK 1994
AS 8 B3 : Korperschaftsnamensdatei = Index of corporate bodies.; BJL     
      Korperschaftsnamensdatei = Index of corporate bodies. BJL  BOOK 1973
AS 8 B9    
      World guide to abbreviations of organisations. BJL  BOOK 1981
      World guide to abbreviations of organizations. BJL  BOOK 1971
      World guide to abbreviations of organizations. BJL  BOOK 1990
      World list of abbreviations of scientific, technological and commercial organizations. BJL  BOOK 1954
2 additional entries    
AS9 : Journal of peace research (Online); Online materials     
      Journal of peace research [electronic resource]. Online materials  EJOURNALS 1964-
AS 14 C7 : Confrontation and learned societies / edited and with an introduction by John Voss, Paul L. Ward.; BJL     
      Confrontation and learned societies / edited and with an introduction by John Voss, Paul L. Ward. BJL  BOOK 1970
AS 18 N2 : Handbook of scientific and technical societies and institutions of the United States and Canada.; BJL     
      Handbook of scientific and technical societies and institutions of the United States and Canada. BJL  BOOK 1948
AS 18 S4 : Scientific and technical societies of the United States and Canada...; BJL     
      Scientific and technical societies of the United States and Canada... BJL  BOOK 1961
AS 22 A26 P9(170) / q : Atti del Convegno internazionale sul tema : La scienza dei sistemi.; BJL     
      Atti del Convegno internazionale sul tema : La scienza dei sistemi. BJL  BOOK 1972
AS 22 C26 : Annual report/ Carnegie Corporation of New York.; BJL     
      Annual report/ Carnegie Corporation of New York. BJL  PERIODICAL  
AS 25 R4    
      Research Centers Directory / 4th edition edited by A.M.Palmer. BJL  BOOK 1972
      Research centers directory / edited by A.M. Palmer and A.T. Kruzas. BJL  BOOK 1965
      Research centers directory : a guide to university-related and other nonprofit research organizations BJL  BOOK 1979
AS 32 : The Carnegie Institution of Washington.; BJL     
      The Carnegie Institution of Washington. BJL  PERIODICAL  
AS 32 C3 : Catalogue of publications and depositories of the Institution.; BJL     
      Catalogue of publications and depositories of the Institution. BJL  BOOK 1954
AS 32 N5 : News service bulletin : school edition/ Carnegie Institute of Washington.; BJL     
      News service bulletin : school edition/ Carnegie Institute of Washington. BJL  PERIODICAL  
AS 32 Y3 : Yearbook/ Carnegie Institution of Washington.; BJL     
      Yearbook/ Carnegie Institution of Washington. BJL  PERIODICAL 1983
AS 34 6(135,6) : A revised interpretation of the external reproductive organs of male insects.; BJL     
      A revised interpretation of the external reproductive organs of male insects. BJL  BOOK 1957
AS 34 A6    
      Annual report of the Board of Regents/ Smithsonian Institution. BJL  PERIODICAL  
      Smithsonian year : annual report of the Smithsonian Institution ... including the financial report of BJL  PERIODICAL 1985
AS 34 M6(102) : Compendium and description of the West Indies / by Antonio Vazquez de Espinosa; translated by Charles Upson Clark.; BJL     
      Compendium and description of the West Indies / by Antonio Vazquez de Espinosa; translated by Charles BJL  BOOK 1942
AS 34 M6(103,9) : Mystacocarida a new order of crustacea from interfidal beaches in Massachusetts and connecticut.; BJL     
      Mystacocarida a new order of crustacea from interfidal beaches in Massachusetts and connecticut. BJL  BOOK 1943
AS 34 M6(104,18) : The skeletal anatomy of fleas (siphonaptera).; BJL     
      The skeletal anatomy of fleas (siphonaptera). BJL  BOOK 1946
AS 34 M6(104,20) : Schistosomophora in China.; BJL     
      Schistosomophora in China. BJL  BOOK 1946
AS 34 M6(106,18) : On the evolutionary significance of the pycnogonida.; BJL     
      On the evolutionary significance of the pycnogonida. BJL  BOOK 1947
AS 34 M6(107,7) : The insect cranium and the "epicranial suture".; BJL     
      The insect cranium and the "epicranial suture". BJL  BOOK 1947
AS 34 M6(108) : Compendio y descripcion de las Indias Occidentales.; BJL     
      Compendio y descripcion de las Indias Occidentales. BJL  BOOK 1948
AS 34 M6(116,1) : Comparative studies on the jaws of mandibulate arthropods.; BJL     
      Comparative studies on the jaws of mandibulate arthropods. BJL  BOOK 1950
AS 34 M6(117,8) : The sand crab Emerita Talpoida (Say) and some of its relatives.; BJL     
      The sand crab Emerita Talpoida (Say) and some of its relatives. BJL  BOOK 1952
AS 34 M6(119,3) : Mississippian fauna in northwestern Sonora Mexico.; BJL     
      Mississippian fauna in northwestern Sonora Mexico. BJL  BOOK 1958
AS 34 M6(125,1) : The black flies (diptera, simuliidae) of Guatemala and their role as vectors of onchocerciasis.; BJL     
      The black flies (diptera, simuliidae) of Guatemala and their role as vectors of onchocerciasis. BJL  BOOK 1955
AS 34 M6(125,2) : The pyramidellid mollusks of the pliocene deposits of North St. Petersburg, Florida.; BJL     
      The pyramidellid mollusks of the pliocene deposits of North St. Petersburg, Florida. BJL  BOOK 1950
AS 34 M6(126,1) : The Bromeliaceae of Brazil.; BJL     
      The Bromeliaceae of Brazil. BJL  BOOK 1955
AS 34 M6(126,2) : The archaeological and paleontological salvage program in the basin 1950-51.; BJL     
      The archaeological and paleontological salvage program in the basin 1950-51. BJL  BOOK 1955
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