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BL 1245 S5 K2 : Pratyabhijna karika of Utpaldeva.; BJL     
      Pratyabhijna karika of Utpaldeva. BJL  BOOK 1975
BL 1245 S5 K9 : Pratyabhijnahrdayam : the secret of self-recognition : Sanskrit text / with English translation, notes and introduction [by] Jaideva Singh.; BJL     
      Pratyabhijnahrdayam : the secret of self-recognition : Sanskrit text / with English translation, note BJL  BOOK 1982
BL 1245 S5 S5 : Kashmir Saivism Varanasi.; BJL     
      Kashmir Saivism Varanasi. BJL  BOOK 1972
BL 1245 S5 S6    
      Saivism in philosophical perspective. BJL  BOOK 1973
      Schools of Saivism. BJL  BOOK 1970
BL 1245 V3 G6    
      Aspects of early Visnuism. . BJL  BOOK 1969
      Visnuism and Sivaism : a comparison. BJL  BOOK 1970
BL 1245 V3 J2 : The origin and development of Vaisnavism (Vaisnavism from 200 B.C. to A.D. 500).; BJL     
      The origin and development of Vaisnavism (Vaisnavism from 200 B.C. to A.D. 500). BJL  BOOK 1967
BL 1245 V3 M9 : Vaisnavism of Samkaradeva and Ramanuja (a comparative study).; BJL     
      Vaisnavism of Samkaradeva and Ramanuja (a comparative study). BJL  BOOK 1973
BL 1245 V3 R1 : Astadasabhedanirnaya : explication des dix-huit differences (entre les deux branches de l'ecole de Ramanuja) / edition critique, traduction et notes par S. Siauve.; BJL     
      Astadasabhedanirnaya : explication des dix-huit differences (entre les deux branches de l'ecole de Ra BJL  BOOK 1978
BL 1245 V3 R2 : Materials for the study of the early history of the Vaishnava sect.; BJL     
      Materials for the study of the early history of the Vaishnava sect. BJL  BOOK 1920
BL 1245 V36 B5 : Teachings of Lord Caitanya, the Golden Avatara.; BJL     
      Teachings of Lord Caitanya, the Golden Avatara. BJL  BOOK 1974
BL 1265 R1 R1 : Raja Rammohun Roy and the new learning : Raja Rammohun Roy Memorial Lectures / edited by B.P. Barua.; BJL     
      Raja Rammohun Roy and the new learning : Raja Rammohun Roy Memorial Lectures / edited by B.P. Barua. BJL  BOOK 1988
BL 1265 R3    
      The English works of Raja Rammohun Roy, with an English translation of "Tuhfatul muwahhiddin" / edito BJL  BOOK 1982
      The only true God : works on religion / by Rammohun Roy; selected and translated from Bengali and San BJL  BOOK 1982
BL 1265 R3 C6 : Life and letters of Raja Rammohun Roy.; BJL     
      Life and letters of Raja Rammohun Roy. BJL  BOOK 1913
BL 1265 R3 R1 : Rammohun Roy and the process of modernization in India / contributions by R.K. Ray ... [et al.]; edited by V.C. Joshi.; BJL     
      Rammohun Roy and the process of modernization in India / contributions by R.K. Ray ... [et al.]; edit BJL  BOOK 1975
BL 1265 S4 B7 : Keshub Chunder Sen : a search for cultural synthesis.; BJL     
      Keshub Chunder Sen : a search for cultural synthesis. BJL  BOOK 1978
BL 1270 M2 C1    
      The mechanics of enlightenment : an examination of the teaching of maharishi Mahesh Yogi. BJL  BOOK 1975
      Seven states of consciousness : a vision of possibilities suggested by the teaching of Maharishi Mahe BJL  BOOK 1973
BL 1270 R28 : The gospel of Sri Ramakrishna.; BJL     
      The gospel of Sri Ramakrishna. BJL  BOOK 1973
BL 1270 R3 I7 : Ramakrishna and his disciples.; BJL     
      Ramakrishna and his disciples. BJL  BOOK 1965
BL 1270 V48    
      The complete works of Swami Vivekananda. BJL  BOOK 1970
      Letters from Swami Vivekananda. BJL  BOOK 1993
      Selections from the complete works of Swami Vivekananda. BJL  BOOK 1993
BL 1270 V48 D4 : Svami Vivekananda.; BJL     
      Svami Vivekananda. BJL  BOOK 1968
BL 1273.55 L7 : The Arya Samaj as a fundamentalist movement : a study in comparative fundamentalism.; BJL     
      The Arya Samaj as a fundamentalist movement : a study in comparative fundamentalism. BJL  BOOK 1993
BL 1273.892 A9 A2(1) : Bande Mataram : early political writings.; BJL     
      Bande Mataram : early political writings. BJL  BOOK 1972
BL 1273.892 A9 A2(10) : Letters on yoga.; BJL     
      Letters on yoga. BJL  BOOK 1970
BL 1273.892 A9 A2(11) : Letters on yoga.; BJL     
      Letters on yoga. BJL  BOOK 1970
BL 1273.892 A9 A2(12) : Letters on yoga.; BJL     
      Letters on yoga. BJL  BOOK 1970
BL 1273.892 A9 A2(13) : Essays divine and human ; with Thoughts and aphorisms.; BJL     
      Essays divine and human ; with Thoughts and aphorisms. BJL  BOOK 1994
BL 1273.892 A9 A2(14) : The supramental manifestation and other writings.; BJL     
      The supramental manifestation and other writings. BJL  BOOK 1989
BL 1273.892 A9 A2(15) : The Mother ; with Letters on the Mother and translations of Prayers and meditations.; BJL     
      The Mother ; with Letters on the Mother and translations of Prayers and meditations. BJL  BOOK 1972
BL 1273.892 A9 A2(16) : Collected poems.; BJL     
      Collected poems. BJL  BOOK 1972
BL 1273.892 A9 A2(17) : Collected plays and short stories.; BJL     
      Collected plays and short stories. BJL  BOOK 1971
BL 1273.892 A9 A2(18) : Collected plays and short stories.; BJL     
      Collected plays and short stories. BJL  BOOK 1971
BL 1273.892 A9 A2(19) : The future poetry.; BJL     
      The future poetry. BJL  BOOK 1985
BL 1273.892 A9 A2(2) : Essays on the Gita.; BJL     
      Essays on the Gita. BJL  BOOK 1976
BL 1273.892 A9 A2(20) : Savitri : a legend and a symbol.; BJL     
      Savitri : a legend and a symbol. BJL  BOOK 1993
BL 1273.892 A9 A2(21) : On himself.; BJL     
      On himself. BJL  BOOK 1972
BL 1273.892 A9 A2(22) : Letters on poetry, literature and art.; BJL     
      Letters on poetry, literature and art. BJL  BOOK 1972
BL 1273.892 A9 A2(3) : The secret of the Veda.; BJL     
      The secret of the Veda. BJL  BOOK 1971
BL 1273.892 A9 A2(4) : Vedas. Rgveda. English and Sanskrit.; BJL     
      Hymns to the mystic fire / [translated with a foreword by] Sri Aurobindo. BJL  BOOK 1971
BL 1273.892 A9 A2(5) : The Upanishads / texts, translations and commentaries [by] Sri Aurobindo.; BJL     
      The Upanishads / texts, translations and commentaries [by] Sri Aurobindo. BJL  BOOK 1981
BL 1273.892 A9 A2(6) : The foundations of Indian culture.; BJL     
      The foundations of Indian culture. BJL  BOOK 1995
BL 1273.892 A9 A2(7) : The human cycle ; The ideal of human unity ; War and self-determination.; BJL     
      The human cycle ; The ideal of human unity ; War and self-determination. BJL  BOOK 1992
BL 1273.892 A9 A2(8) : The life divine.; BJL     
      The life divine. BJL  BOOK 1970
BL 1273.892 A9 A2(9) : The synthesis of yoga.; BJL     
      The synthesis of yoga. BJL  BOOK 1996
BL 1273.892 A92 M9 : Les ecrits bengalis de Sri Aurobindo (1872-1950) / [traduits et reunis par] P. Mukherjee.; BJL     
      Les ecrits bengalis de Sri Aurobindo (1872-1950) / [traduits et reunis par] P. Mukherjee. BJL  BOOK 1986
BL 1280.235 U5 J1 : Vedanta for the West : the Ramakrishna movement in the United States.; BJL     
      Vedanta for the West : the Ramakrishna movement in the United States. BJL  BOOK 1994
BL 1280.535 B2 H7 : Surya-sevana : the way to god of a Balinese Siva priest.; South East Asian Collection     
      Surya-sevana : the way to god of a Balinese Siva priest. South East Asian Collection  BOOK 1966
BL 1280.535 B2 J6    
      Jnanasiddhanta. [edition] oleh H. Soebadio; [penerjemah / [edition] oleh H. Soebadio; [penerjemah. D. South East Asian Collection  BOOK 1985
      Jnanasiddhanta : secret lore of the Balinese Saiva-priest / [edited and translated by] H. Soebadio. South East Asian Collection  BOOK 1971
BL 1283.845 R6 : Ritual and speculation in early tantrism : studies in honour of AndrĂ© Padoux / edited by Teun Goudriaan.; BJL     
      Ritual and speculation in early tantrism : studies in honour of AndrĂ© Padoux / edited by Teun G BJL  BOOK 1992
BL 1284.54 P2 : The essence of supreme truth (Paramarthasara) / Adisesa; Sanskrit text with translation and notes by H. Danielson.; BJL     
      The essence of supreme truth (Paramarthasara) / Adisesa; Sanskrit text with translation and notes by BJL  BOOK 1980
BL 1285.392 C53 S1 : Chaitanya et la devotion a Krishna.; BJL     
      Chaitanya et la devotion a Krishna. BJL  BOOK 1986
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