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BL 1371 N2 : Shraman Mahavir : his life & teachings.; BJL     
      Shraman Mahavir : his life & teachings. BJL  BOOK 1980
BL 1375 A8 C1 : Les expiations dans le rituel ancien des religieux jaina.; BJL     
      Les expiations dans le rituel ancien des religieux jaina. BJL  BOOK 1965
BL 1375 W65 J2 : Gender and salvation : Jaina debates on the spiritual liberation of women.; BJL     
      Gender and salvation : Jaina debates on the spiritual liberation of women. BJL  BOOK 1991
BL 1500 Z1 : The dawn and twilight of Zoroastrianism.; BJL     
      The dawn and twilight of Zoroastrianism. BJL  BOOK 1961
BL 1505 H6 : Zoroastrian and Parsi studies : selected works of John R. Hinnells.; BJL     
      Zoroastrian and Parsi studies : selected works of John R. Hinnells. BJL  BOOK 2000
BL1510 .S55 2011eb : The spirit of Zoroastrianism / introduced, translated, and edited by Prods Oktor Skjærvø.; Online materials     
      The spirit of Zoroastrianism / introduced, translated, and edited by Prods Oktor Skjærvø. Online materials  EBOOKS 2011
BL 1520 D5 A2 : The wisdom of the Sasanian sages (Dinkard VI).; BJL     
      The wisdom of the Sasanian sages (Dinkard VI). BJL  BOOK 1979
BL 1525 B7    
      A history of Zoroastrianism. BJL  BOOK 1991
      Zoroastrians : their religious beliefs and practices. BJL  BOOK 1979
BL 1525 D8 : Religion of ancient Iran / translated from the French.; BJL     
      Religion of ancient Iran / translated from the French. BJL  BOOK 1973
BL 1570 M9 : The treasure of the Magi : a study of modern Zoroastrianism.; BJL     
      The treasure of the Magi : a study of modern Zoroastrianism. BJL  BOOK 1972
BL 1585 C1 : Mithraic iconography and ideology.; BJL     
      Mithraic iconography and ideology. BJL  BOOK 1968
BL 1585 C6 : Mithras: Kult und Mysterien English.; BJL     
      The Roman cult of Mithras : the God and his mysteries / translated by Richard Gordon. BJL  BOOK 2000
BL 1585 C9 : Les mysteres de Mithra.; BJL     
      Les mysteres de Mithra. BJL  BOOK 1913
BL 1585 I6 : Mithraic studies : proceedings of the first International Congress of Mithraic Studies.; BJL     
      Mithraic studies : proceedings of the first International Congress of Mithraic Studies. BJL  BOOK 1975
BL 1585 V5 : Corpus inscriptionum et monumentorum religionis Mithriacae.; BJL     
      Corpus inscriptionum et monumentorum religionis Mithriacae. BJL  BOOK 1956
BL 1585 W2 : The cult of Mithras in the Roman provinces of Gaul.; BJL     
      The cult of Mithras in the Roman provinces of Gaul. BJL  BOOK 1974
BL 1585 W9 : Mithras : the fellow in the cap.; BJL     
      Mithras : the fellow in the cap. BJL  BOOK 1958
BL 1588 K9 : Sraosa in the Zoroastrian tradition.; BJL     
      Sraosa in the Zoroastrian tradition. BJL  BOOK 1985
BL 1590 H36 F5 : Haoma and harmaline : the botanical identity of the Indo-Iranian sacred hallucinogen "soma" and it's legacy in religion, language and Middle Eastern folklore / D.S. Flattery and M. Schwartz.; BJL     
      Haoma and harmaline : the botanical identity of the Indo-Iranian sacred hallucinogen "soma" and it's BJL  BOOK 1989
BL 1590 P9 C5 : Purity and pollution in Zoroastrianism : triumph over evil.; BJL     
      Purity and pollution in Zoroastrianism : triumph over evil. BJL  BOOK 1989
BL 1600 A8 : Hellenosemitica : an ethnic and cultural study in West Semitic impact on Mycenaean Greece.; BJL     
      Hellenosemitica : an ethnic and cultural study in West Semitic impact on Mycenaean Greece. BJL  BOOK 1965
BL 1600 G3 : Die Religionen Altsyriens, Altarabiens und der Mandaer / von H. Gese, M. Hofner, K. Rudolph.; BJL     
      Die Religionen Altsyriens, Altarabiens und der Mandaer / von H. Gese, M. Hofner, K. Rudolph. BJL  BOOK 1970
BL 1600 G7 / q : Near Eastern mythology : Mesopotamia, Syria, Palestine.; BJL     
      Near Eastern mythology : Mesopotamia, Syria, Palestine. BJL  BOOK 1969
BL 1600 K2 : Gods, goddesses, and images of God in ancient Israel / Othmar Keel, Christoph Uehlinger ; translated by Thomas H. Trapp.; BJL     
      Gods, goddesses, and images of God in ancient Israel / Othmar Keel, Christoph Uehlinger ; translated BJL  BOOK 1998
BL 1600 R5 : Religions of the ancient Near East.; BJL     
      Religions of the ancient Near East. BJL  BOOK 1973
BL 1600 S6    
      Lectures on the religion of the Semites, 1st series : the fundamental institution. BJL  BOOK 1894
      Lectures on the religion of the Semites : the fundamental institutions. BJL  BOOK 1969
BL 1605 A5 K1 : The violent goddess : Anat in the Ras Shamra texts.; BJL     
      The violent goddess : Anat in the Ras Shamra texts. BJL  BOOK 1969
BL 1605 A7 M2 : Aserah : extrabiblical evidence.; BJL     
      Aserah : extrabiblical evidence. BJL  BOOK 1986
BL1605.L55 H8713 2009 : Lilith, die erste Eva. English; BJL     
      Lilith, the first Eve : historical and psychological aspects of the dark feminine / Siegmund Hurwitz BJL  BOOK c2009
BL 1605 L55 K8 : The book of Lilith / Barbara Black Koltuv.; BJL     
      The book of Lilith / Barbara Black Koltuv. BJL  BOOK 1986
BL 1605 M6 D2 : Molech : a god of human sacrifice in the Old Testament.; BJL     
      Molech : a god of human sacrifice in the Old Testament. BJL  BOOK 1989
BL 1605 M6 H4 : The cult of Molek : a reassessment.; BJL     
      The cult of Molek : a reassessment. BJL  BOOK 1985
BL 1605 M8 C6 : The cosmic mountain in Canaan and the Old Testament.; BJL     
      The cosmic mountain in Canaan and the Old Testament. BJL  BOOK 1972
BL 1605 S65 H5 : Les fetes de printemps chez les Semitres et la Paque israelite.; BJL     
      Les fetes de printemps chez les Semitres et la Paque israelite. BJL  BOOK 1975
BL 1615 K8    
      The sacred marriage rite : aspects of faith, myth and ritual in ancient Sumer. BJL  BOOK 1969
      Sumerian mythology : a study of spiritual and literary achievement in the third millennium B.C. / rev BJL  BOOK 1961
BL 1620 H7 : Babylonian and Assyrian religion.; BJL     
      Babylonian and Assyrian religion. BJL  BOOK 1953
BL 1620 J5 : The Babylonian conception of heaven and hell.; BJL     
      The Babylonian conception of heaven and hell. BJL  BOOK 1902
BL 1620 S2 : Lectures on the origin and growth of religion as illustrated by the religion of the ancient Babylonians.; BJL     
      Lectures on the origin and growth of religion as illustrated by the religion of the ancient Babylonia BJL  BOOK 1909
BL 1620 S7 : Myths and legends of Babylonia and Assyria.; BJL     
      Myths and legends of Babylonia and Assyria. BJL  BOOK 1916
BL 1625 N4 P1 : The Babylonian Akitu festival.; BJL     
      The Babylonian Akitu festival. BJL  BOOK 1926
BL 1640 D7 : The religion of Palmyra / by H. J. W. Drijvers.; BJL     
      The religion of Palmyra / by H. J. W. Drijvers. BJL  BOOK 1976
BL 1640 L9 : The Syrian goddess. attributed to Lucian / edited by H.W. Attridge and R.A. Oden.; BJL     
      The Syrian goddess. attributed to Lucian / edited by H.W. Attridge and R.A. Oden. BJL  BOOK 1976
BL 1640 L9 O2 : Studies in Lucian's De Syria dea.; BJL     
      Studies in Lucian's De Syria dea. BJL  BOOK 1977
BL 1640 N8 : Untersuchungen zum Gottesbescheid in Mari : die Mariprophetie in der alttestamentlichen Forschung.; BJL     
      Untersuchungen zum Gottesbescheid in Mari : die Mariprophetie in der alttestamentlichen Forschung. BJL  BOOK 1977
BL 1650 D4 : Did God have a wife? : archaeology and folk religion in ancient Israel.; BJL     
      Did God have a wife? : archaeology and folk religion in ancient Israel. BJL  BOOK c2005
BL 1660 P5 B3 : The 'Phoenician history' of Philo of Byblos : a commentary.; BJL     
      The 'Phoenician history' of Philo of Byblos : a commentary. BJL  BOOK 1981
BL 1665 C6 E1 : Weltentstehung und Kulturentwicklung bei Philo von Byblos : ein Beitrag zur Überlieferung der biblischen Urgeschichte.; BJL     
      Weltentstehung und Kulturentwicklung bei Philo von Byblos : ein Beitrag zur Überlieferung der b BJL  BOOK 1979
BL 1670 C2    
      Canaanite Myths and Legends. BJL  BOOK 1956
      Canaanite myths and legends. BJL  BOOK 1978
      Ugaritic religion / by A. Caquot and M. Sznycer. Iconography of religions. Section 15 / by A. Caquot BJL  BOOK 1980
BL 1670 D8 : Nouvelles etudes sur les dieux et les mythes de Canaan.; BJL     
      Nouvelles etudes sur les dieux et les mythes de Canaan. BJL  BOOK 1973
BL 1670 G6 : Ugaritic literature : a comprehensive translation of the poetic and prose texts.; BJL     
      Ugaritic literature : a comprehensive translation of the poetic and prose texts. BJL  BOOK 1949
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