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Mark   Media Year
BR 145 F6 H6(14) : L'Eglise au temps du Grand Schisme et de la crise conciliaire (1378-1449).; BJL     
      L'Eglise au temps du Grand Schisme et de la crise conciliaire (1378-1449). BJL  BOOK 1962
BR 145 F6 H6(16) : La crise religieuse du XVIe siecle / par E. de Moreau, P. Jourda et P. Janelle.; BJL     
      La crise religieuse du XVIe siecle / par E. de Moreau, P. Jourda et P. Janelle. BJL  BOOK 1950
BR 145 F6 H6(18) : Apres le concile de Trente : la restauration catholique (1563-1648).; BJL     
      Apres le concile de Trente : la restauration catholique (1563-1648). BJL  BOOK 1960
BR 145 F6 H6(20) : La crise revolutionnaire 1789-1846.; BJL     
      La crise revolutionnaire 1789-1846. BJL  BOOK 1949
BR 145 F6 H6(21) : Le pontificat de Pie IX (1846-1878).; BJL     
      Le pontificat de Pie IX (1846-1878). BJL  BOOK 1963
BR 145 F6 H6(3) : De la paix constantinienne a la mort de Theodose / par J.R. Palanque G. Bardy et P. de Labriolle.; BJL     
      De la paix constantinienne a la mort de Theodose / par J.R. Palanque G. Bardy et P. de Labriolle. BJL  BOOK 1950
BR 145 F6 H6(4) : De la mort de Theodose a l'election de Gregoire le Grand / par P. de Labriolle.; BJL     
      De la mort de Theodose a l'election de Gregoire le Grand / par P. de Labriolle. BJL  BOOK 1937
BR 145 F6 H6(5) : Gregoire le Grand, les Etats barbares et la conquete arabe(590-757).; BJL     
      Gregoire le Grand, les Etats barbares et la conquete arabe(590-757). BJL  BOOK 1938
BR 145 F6 H6(7) : L'eglise au pouvoir des laiques (888-1057).; BJL     
      L'eglise au pouvoir des laiques (888-1057). BJL  BOOK 1943
BR 145 F6 H6(8) : La reforme gregorienne et la reconquete chretienne (1057-1123).; BJL     
      La reforme gregorienne et la reconquete chretienne (1057-1123). BJL  BOOK 1950
BR 145 F6 H6(9) : Du premier Concile du Latran a l'avenement d'Innocent III.; BJL     
      Du premier Concile du Latran a l'avenement d'Innocent III. BJL  BOOK 1953
BR 145 G9    
      Le Christianisme medieval et moderne. BJL  BOOK 1922
      Guerres mondiales et totalitarismes (1914-1958) / Jean-Marie Mayeur ... [et al.]. BJL  BOOK 1990
      Questions d'histoire et d'archeologie chretienne. BJL  BOOK 1906
BR 145 H6    
      The history of christianity. BJL  BOOK 1977
      History of the church. BJL  BOOK 1981
BR 145 H8    
      The Church and the Churches. BJL  BOOK 1970
      A history of the church. BJL  BOOK 1948
BR 145 J1 : A history of Church history.; BJL     
      A history of Church history. BJL  BOOK  
BR 145 L3    
      A history of Christianity. BJL  BOOK  
      A history of the expansion of christianity. BJL  BOOK 1938
BR 145 L4 : Christianity in world history : the meeting of the faiths of East and West.; BJL     
      Christianity in world history : the meeting of the faiths of East and West. BJL  BOOK 1964
BR 145 M6    
      The history of the Church of Christ / by Joseph Milner, M.A., master of the Grammar School in Kingsto BJL  BOOK 1795
      The history of the Church of Christ / by the late Rev. Joseph Milner, A.M. ; with additions and corre BJL  BOOK 1847
      Mutations of Western Christianity / Albert Mirgeler ; translated by Edward Quinn ; with a foreword by BJL  BOOK 1968
BR 145 M8 : The furtherance of the Gospel.; BJL     
      The furtherance of the Gospel. BJL  BOOK 1950
BR 145 N3 : General history of the Christian religion and church.; BJL     
      General history of the Christian religion and church. BJL  BOOK  
BR 145 P3 : An outline of Christianity.; BJL     
      An outline of Christianity. BJL  BOOK  
BR 145 S6    
      Outlines of Church history. BJL  BOOK  
      A short history of our religion from Moses to the present day. BJL  BOOK 1925
BR 145 S9 : Man as churchman.; BJL     
      Man as churchman. BJL  BOOK 1960
BR 145 W1    
      The Church and man's struggle for unity. BJL  BOOK 1968
      A history of the Christian Church. BJL  BOOK 1959
BR 145 W7 : The descent of the dove : a short history of the Holy Spirit in the church.; BJL     
      The descent of the dove : a short history of the Holy Spirit in the church. BJL  BOOK 1950
BR 145 W8 : Church and state in history.; BJL     
      Church and state in history. BJL  BOOK 1962
BR 145.2 B2 : Through the ages : the story of the Christian Church.; BJL     
      Through the ages : the story of the Christian Church. BJL  BOOK 1955
BR 145.2 C2 : Christianity.; BJL     
      Christianity. BJL  BOOK 1953
BR 145.2 E2 : Christianity : the first two thousand years.; BJL     
      Christianity : the first two thousand years. BJL  BOOK 1997
BR 145.2 G2 : The Christians.; Education Resources     
      The Christians. Education Resources  BOOK 1977
BR 145.2 J4 : Atlas zur Kirchengeschichte : die christlichen Kirchen in Geschichte und Gegenwart / herausgegeben von Hubert Jedin, Kenneth Scott Latourette, Jochen Martin. Unter Mitwirkung zahlreicher Fachgelehrter bearb. von Jochen Martin.; BJL     
      Atlas zur Kirchengeschichte : die christlichen Kirchen in Geschichte und Gegenwart / herausgegeben vo BJL  BOOK 1970
BR 145.2 M2 : A history of Christianity in the world.; BJL     
      A history of Christianity in the world. BJL  BOOK 1985
BR 145.2 V6 : Victorian faith in crisis : essays on continuity and change in nineteenth-century religious belief / edited by Richard J. Helmstadter and Bernard Light.; BJL     
      Victorian faith in crisis : essays on continuity and change in nineteenth-century religious belief / BJL  BOOK 1990
BR 145.2 W9 : A world history of Christianity / edited by Adrian Hastings.; BJL     
      A world history of Christianity / edited by Adrian Hastings. BJL  BOOK 1999
BR 145.2 Y7 : Into all the world : the story of Christianity to 1066 A.D.; BJL     
      Into all the world : the story of Christianity to 1066 A.D. BJL  BOOK 1963
BR 145.3 C1 : Interpreting Christian history : the challenge of the churches' past.; BJL     
      Interpreting Christian history : the challenge of the churches' past. BJL  BOOK c2005
BR145.3 .H6 : Dominion : the making of the Western mind / Tom Holland.; BJL     
      Dominion : the making of the Western mind / Tom Holland. BJL  BOOK 2020
BR 145.3 M1 : A history of Christianity : the first three thousand years / Diarmaid MacCulloch.; BJL     
      A history of Christianity : the first three thousand years / Diarmaid MacCulloch. BJL  BOOK 2010
BR 146 H2 : History of the church.; BJL     
      History of the church. BJL  BOOK 1981
BR 148 H2 : The church of the servant.; BJL     
      The church of the servant. BJL  BOOK 1962
BR 148 H3 : Some account of the penitential discipline of the early Church in the first four centuries.; BJL     
      Some account of the penitential discipline of the early Church in the first four centuries. BJL  BOOK 1921
BR 148 N7 : Jesus the heretic.; BJL     
      Jesus the heretic. BJL  BOOK 1939
BR 148 S5 : The Greek east and the Latin West.; BJL     
      The Greek east and the Latin West. BJL  BOOK 1959
BR 155 B8 : The Roman See in the early Church and other studies.; BJL     
      The Roman See in the early Church and other studies. BJL  BOOK  
BR 155 E4 : The Church in history.; BJL     
      The Church in history. BJL  BOOK 1900
BR 155 W2 : Faith and faction.; BJL     
      Faith and faction. BJL  BOOK 1993
BR 157 B6 : Dictionary of sects, heresies, ecclesiastical parties and schools of religious thought.; BJL     
      Dictionary of sects, heresies, ecclesiastical parties and schools of religious thought. BJL  BOOK  
BR 157 B7 : The book of churches and sects.; BJL     
      The book of churches and sects. BJL  BOOK 1826
BR 157 M7 : Christendom : the Christian Churches, their doctrines, constitutional forms and ways of worship.; BJL     
      Christendom : the Christian Churches, their doctrines, constitutional forms and ways of worship. BJL  BOOK 1959
BR 157 P3 : Patterns of sectarianism : organisation and ideology in social and religious movements / edited by Bryan R. Wilson.; BJL     
      Patterns of sectarianism : organisation and ideology in social and religious movements / edited by Br BJL  BOOK 1967
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