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BR 203 H67 : Histoire des conciles oecumeniques.; BJL     
      Histoire des conciles oecumeniques. BJL  BOOK  
BR 203 H67(1) : Nicee et Constantinople.; BJL     
      Nicee et Constantinople. BJL  BOOK 1963
BR 203 H67(10) : Latran V et Trente / par O. de La Brosse et d'autres.; BJL     
      Latran V et Trente / par O. de La Brosse et d'autres. BJL  BOOK 1975
BR 203 H67(11) : Trente II [Deux] / par J. Lecler ... [et al.].; BJL     
      Trente II [Deux] / par J. Lecler ... [et al.]. BJL  BOOK 1981
BR 203 H67(12) : Vatican I.; BJL     
      Vatican I. BJL  BOOK 1964
BR 203 H67(2) : Ephese et Chalcedoine.; BJL     
      Ephese et Chalcedoine. BJL  BOOK 1962
BR 203 H67(3) : Constantinople II et Constantinople III.; BJL     
      Constantinople II et Constantinople III. BJL  BOOK 1974
BR 203 H67(4) : Nicee II.; BJL     
      Nicee II. BJL  BOOK 1978
BR 203 H67(5) : Constantinople IV.; BJL     
      Constantinople IV. BJL  BOOK 1967
BR 203 H67(6) : Latran I, II, III et Latran IV.; BJL     
      Latran I, II, III et Latran IV. BJL  BOOK 1965
BR 203 H67(7) : Lyon I et Lyon II.; BJL     
      Lyon I et Lyon II. BJL  BOOK 1966
BR 203 H67(8) : Vienne.; BJL     
      Vienne. BJL  BOOK 1964
BR 203 H67(9) : Constance et Bale-Florence.; BJL     
      Constance et Bale-Florence. BJL  BOOK 1965
BR 205 B8    
      The age of the Fathers : being chapters in the history of the Church during the fourth and fifth cent BJL  BOOK 1903
      Religion and society in the age of Saint Augustine. BJL  BOOK 1972
BR 205 D8 : The life and times of St. Ambrose.; BJL     
      The life and times of St. Ambrose. BJL  BOOK  
BR 205 F4 : Antioche paienne et chretienne : Libanius, Chrysostome et les moines de Syrie.; BJL     
      Antioche paienne et chretienne : Libanius, Chrysostome et les moines de Syrie. BJL  BOOK 1959
BR 205 G5 : De Ioannis Chrysostomi et Libanii orationibus quae sunt de seditione Antiochensium : dissertatio inavgvralis qvam amplissimi philosophorvm ordinis consensv et avctoritate in Academia Georgia Avgvsta ad svmmos in philosophia honores rite capessendos / scripsit Renardus Goebel.; BJL     
      De Ioannis Chrysostomi et Libanii orationibus quae sunt de seditione Antiochensium : dissertatio inav BJL  BOOK 1910
BR 205 H5 : The canons of the Council of Sardica, A.D.343 : a landmark in the early development of canon law.; BJL     
      The canons of the Council of Sardica, A.D.343 : a landmark in the early development of canon law. BJL  BOOK 1958
BR 205 L1 : Christianity and pagan culture.; BJL     
      Christianity and pagan culture. BJL  BOOK  
BR 205 L7 : Die drei alstesten Martyrologien.; BJL     
      Die drei alstesten Martyrologien. BJL  BOOK  
BR 205 S4 : Eustathius of Antioch and his place in the early history of Christian doctrine.; BJL     
      Eustathius of Antioch and his place in the early history of Christian doctrine. BJL  BOOK 1928
BR 205 S6 : St. Augustine's conversion.; BJL     
      St. Augustine's conversion. BJL  BOOK  
BR 205 S8 : The church of the fourth and fifth centuries.; BJL     
      The church of the fourth and fifth centuries. BJL  BOOK  
BR 205 V5 : When our world became Christian, 312-394 / Paul Veyne ; translated by Janet Lloyd.; BJL     
      When our world became Christian, 312-394 / Paul Veyne ; translated by Janet Lloyd. BJL  BOOK c2010
BR 205 W1 : Christian Antioch : a study of early Christian thought in the East.; BJL     
      Christian Antioch : a study of early Christian thought in the East. BJL  BOOK 1982
BR 205 W2 : The four Councils.; BJL     
      The four Councils. BJL  BOOK 1951
BR 225 G7 : The defense of Chalcedon in the East, 451-553.; BJL     
      The defense of Chalcedon in the East, 451-553. BJL  BOOK 1979
BR 225 S4 : The Council of Chalcedon : a historical and docrinal survey.; BJL     
      The Council of Chalcedon : a historical and docrinal survey. BJL  BOOK 1953
BR 232 L3 : L'oeuvre canonique du Concile in Trullo 691-692.; BJL     
      L'oeuvre canonique du Concile in Trullo 691-692. BJL  BOOK  
BR 238 A3 : The Patriarch Nicephorus of Constantinople : ecclesiastical policy and image worship in the Byzantine Empire.; BJL     
      The Patriarch Nicephorus of Constantinople : ecclesiastical policy and image worship in the Byzantine BJL  BOOK 1980
BR 238 B2 : The Graeco-Roman and oriental background of the iconoclastic controversy.; BJL     
      The Graeco-Roman and oriental background of the iconoclastic controversy. BJL  BOOK 1974
BR 238 B8 : La querelle des images (VIIIe-IXe siecles).; BJL     
      La querelle des images (VIIIe-IXe siecles). BJL  BOOK 1969
BR 238 H5 : Textus Byzantinos ad iconomachiam pertinentes in usum academicum / ed. H. Hennephof.; BJL     
      Textus Byzantinos ad iconomachiam pertinentes in usum academicum / ed. H. Hennephof. BJL  BOOK 1969
BR 238 J6 : On the divine images : three apologies against those who attack the divine images / translated by D. Anderson.; BJL     
      On the divine images : three apologies against those who attack the divine images / translated by D. BJL  BOOK 1980
BR 238 M3 : A history of the iconoclastic controversy.; BJL     
      A history of the iconoclastic controversy. BJL  BOOK 1930
BR 239 M5 : Religion and science, a philosophical essay.; BJL     
      Religion and science, a philosophical essay. BJL  BOOK  
BR 240 S3 : The new consciousness in science and religion.; BJL     
      The new consciousness in science and religion. BJL  BOOK 1973
BR 252 01 : The Western Church in the later Middle Ages.; BJL     
      The Western Church in the later Middle Ages. BJL  BOOK 1979
BR 252 B4 : Belief and culture in the Middle Ages : studies presented to Henry Mayr-Harting / edited by Richard Gameson and Henrietta Leyser.; BJL     
      Belief and culture in the Middle Ages : studies presented to Henry Mayr-Harting / edited by Richard G BJL  BOOK 2001
BR 252 B6    
      Bischofsmord im Mittelalter = Murder of bishops / herausgegeben von Natalie Fryde und Dirk Reitz. BJL  BOOK c2003
      The medieval reformation. BJL  BOOK 1983
BR 252 B9 : Religious thought and heresy in the Middle Ages.; BJL     
      Religious thought and heresy in the Middle Ages. BJL  BOOK  
BR 252 C5    
      Church and city, 1000-1500 : essays in honour of Christopher Brooke / edited by David Abulafia, Micha BJL  BOOK 1992
      Church and government in the Middle Ages / edited by C.N.L. Brooke and others. BJL  BOOK 1976
BR 252 D2    
      A history of the medieval church, 590-1500. BJL  BOOK 1950
      A history of the medieval church, 590-1500. BJL  BOOK 1969
      A history of the medieval church, 590-1500. BJL  BOOK 1951
      A history of the medieval church 590-1500. BJL  BOOK 1969
      Mediaeval religion (the Forwood lectures 1934) and other essays. BJL  BOOK 1934
BR 252 H2 : Religion in the medieval west.; BJL     
      Religion in the medieval west. BJL  BOOK 1986
BR 252 K7 : The Middle Ages.; BJL     
      The Middle Ages. BJL  BOOK 1969
BR 252 L8 : A history of the church in the Middle Ages / F. Donald Logan.; BJL     
      A history of the church in the Middle Ages / F. Donald Logan. BJL  BOOK 2002
BR 252 L9 : The medieval church : a brief history.; BJL     
      The medieval church : a brief history. BJL  BOOK 2014
BR 252 M4 : Medieval popular religion 1000 - 1500 : a reader / edited by John Shiners.; BJL     
      Medieval popular religion 1000 - 1500 : a reader / edited by John Shiners. BJL  BOOK 1997
BR 252 M7 : Monks & nuns, saints & outcasts : religion in medieval society : essays in honor of Lester K. Little / edited by Sharon Farmer & Barbara H. Rosenwein.; BJL     
      Monks & nuns, saints & outcasts : religion in medieval society : essays in honor of Lester K. Little BJL  BOOK 2000
BR 252 M8    
      Civilta medioevale al tramonto : saggi e studi sulla crisi di un'eta. BJL  BOOK 1985
      Medioevo cristiano. BJL  BOOK 1972
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