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BS 620 D7 : Modern research as illustrating the Bible.; BJL     
      Modern research as illustrating the Bible. BJL  BOOK 1909
BS 620 F4    
      Light from the ancient past : the archeological background of Judaism and Christianity. BJL  BOOK 1959
      Light from the ancient past : the archeological background of the Hebrew-Christian religion. BJL  BOOK 1946
BS 620 G7 : Archaeology and the Old Testament world.; BJL     
      Archaeology and the Old Testament world. BJL  BOOK 1962
BS 620 K1 : The Ras Shamra discoveries and the Old Testament.; BJL     
      The Ras Shamra discoveries and the Old Testament. BJL  BOOK 1963
BS 620 K3    
      Archaeology in the Holy Land. BJL  BOOK 1979
      Archaeology in the Holy Land. BJL  BOOK 1960
      The Bible and archaeology. BJL  BOOK 1940
BS 620 K7 : Hebrew man : lectures delivered at the invitation of the University of Tübingen.; BJL     
      Hebrew man : lectures delivered at the invitation of the University of Tübingen. BJL  BOOK 1956
BS 620 K8 : The holy places of the Gospels.; BJL     
      The holy places of the Gospels. BJL  BOOK 1963
BS 620 M3 / q : The appraisal of argument in biblical archeology : its application of the typological method and its explanation of archeological data, 1976.; BJL     
      The appraisal of argument in biblical archeology : its application of the typological method and its BJL  BOOK  
BS 620 M4 : Les Hyksos et le monde de la Bible : conquete de l'empire des Pharaons par les nomades d'Asie.; BJL     
      Les Hyksos et le monde de la Bible : conquete de l'empire des Pharaons par les nomades d'Asie. BJL  BOOK 1956
BS 620 M7 : L'Egypte et la Bible.; BJL     
      L'Egypte et la Bible. BJL  BOOK 1959
BS 620 P2    
      Babylon and the Old Testament. BJL  BOOK 1958
      Nineveh and the Old Testament. BJL  BOOK 1955
      Samaria, the Capital of the Kingdom of Israel. BJL  BOOK 1958
      The temple of Jerusalem. BJL  BOOK 1957
BS 620 P4 : Side notes on the Bible, from Flinders Petrie's discoveries.; BJL     
      Side notes on the Bible, from Flinders Petrie's discoveries. BJL  BOOK 1933
BS 620 P5 : Ras Shamra and the Bible.; BJL     
      Ras Shamra and the Bible. BJL  BOOK 1962
BS 620 P9 : Archaeology and the Old Testament.; BJL     
      Archaeology and the Old Testament. BJL  BOOK 1958
BS 620 S2    
      The "higher criticism" and the verdict of the monuments. BJL  BOOK 1894
      Sacred sites of the Gospels,with illustrations,maps and plans. BJL  BOOK 1903
BS 620 T4    
      Archaeology and Old Testament study : jubilee volume of the Society for Old Testament Study,1917-1967 BJL  BOOK 1967
      The Land and the Book. BJL  BOOK 1860
      The land and the book, or, biblical illustrations ... of the Holy Land. BJL  BOOK 1879
BS 620 W8 : Illustrations from biblical archaeology.; BJL     
      Illustrations from biblical archaeology. BJL  BOOK 1958
BS 620 W9    
      The Bible and the ancient Near East : essays in honor of William Foxwell Albright. BJL  BOOK 1961
      Biblical archaeology. BJL  BOOK 1957
      Shechem : the biography of a Biblical city. BJL  BOOK 1965
BS 621 A4 : Search in the desert.; BJL     
      Search in the desert. BJL  BOOK 1965
BS 621 B2 : Illustrations of Old Testament history.; BJL     
      Illustrations of Old Testament history. BJL  BOOK 1977
BS 621 C1 : Archaeology and the New Testament.; BJL     
      Archaeology and the New Testament. BJL  BOOK 1948
BS 621 E3 : Archaeology and the Bible : scientific proof of Bible history ...; BJL     
      Archaeology and the Bible : scientific proof of Bible history ... BJL  BOOK 1961
BS 621 F4 : The Bible unearthed : archaeology's new vision of ancient Israel and the origin of its sacred texts / Israel Finkelstein and Neil Asher Silberman.; BJL     
      The Bible unearthed : archaeology's new vision of ancient Israel and the origin of its sacred texts / BJL  BOOK 2001
BS 621 H4 : Everyday life in Old Testament times.; BJL     
      Everyday life in Old Testament times. BJL  BOOK 1956
BS 621 I6 : Biblical archaeology today : proceedings of the International Congress on Biblical Archaeology, Jerusalem, 1984.; BJL     
      Biblical archaeology today : proceedings of the International Congress on Biblical Archaeology, Jerus BJL  BOOK 1985
BS 621 J3 : Scribes and schools in monarchic Judah : a socio- archeological approach / David W. Jamieson-Drake.; BJL     
      Scribes and schools in monarchic Judah : a socio- archeological approach / David W. Jamieson-Drake. BJL  BOOK 1991
BS 621 K3 : The Bible and recent archaeology.; BJL     
      The Bible and recent archaeology. BJL  BOOK 1978
BS 621 N8 : Aufsätze zur biblischen Landes-und Altertumskunde.; BJL     
      Aufsätze zur biblischen Landes-und Altertumskunde. BJL  BOOK 1971
BS 621 P(02) : Judah : archeo-Biblical views.; BJL     
      Judah : archeo-Biblical views. BJL  SLIDE 1971
BS 621 P8(077) : Sinai route : archeo-Biblical views.; BJL     
      Sinai route : archeo-Biblical views. BJL  SLIDE 1971
BS 621 P8(097) : Greece : archeo-Biblical views.; BJL     
      Greece : archeo-Biblical views. BJL  SLIDE 1967
BS 621 P8(O1-013) : Via Cruicis 1 : archeo-Biblical views.; BJL     
      Via Cruicis 1 : archeo-Biblical views. BJL  SLIDE 1970
BS 621 P8(O15) : JerusalemNorth East : archeo-Biblical views.; BJL     
      JerusalemNorth East : archeo-Biblical views. BJL  SLIDE 1971
BS 621 P8(O16) : Temple of Jerusalem : archeo-Biblical views.; BJL     
      Temple of Jerusalem : archeo-Biblical views. BJL  SLIDE 1971
BS 621 P8(O17) : Jerusalem, West and South : archeo-Biblical views.; BJL     
      Jerusalem, West and South : archeo-Biblical views. BJL  SLIDE 1971
BS 621 P8(O19) : Israel 1970 : archeo-Biblical views.; BJL     
      Israel 1970 : archeo-Biblical views. BJL  SLIDE 1970
BS 621 P8(O25) : Samaria : archeo-Biblical views.; BJL     
      Samaria : archeo-Biblical views. BJL  SLIDE 1971
BS 621 P8(O3) : Galilee : archeo-biblical views.; BJL     
      Galilee : archeo-biblical views. BJL  SLIDE 1971
BS 621 P8(O35) : Genesareth : archeo-Biblical views.; BJL     
      Genesareth : archeo-Biblical views. BJL  SLIDE 1971
BS 621 P8(O4) : Old Testament excavation : archeo-Biblical views.; BJL     
      Old Testament excavation : archeo-Biblical views. BJL  SLIDE 1971
BS 621 P8(O41) : Prehistory : archeo-Biblical views of sites in Carmel, Genesareth, Jerusalem, Samaria.; BJL     
      Prehistory : archeo-Biblical views of sites in Carmel, Genesareth, Jerusalem, Samaria. BJL  SLIDE 1970
BS 621 P8(O42) : Masada : archeo-Biblical views.; BJL     
      Masada : archeo-Biblical views. BJL  SLIDE 1970
BS 621 P8(O43) : New Testament excavation : archeo-Biblical views.; BJL     
      New Testament excavation : archeo-Biblical views. BJL  SLIDE 1967
BS 621 P8(O44) : Qumran find : archeo-Biblical views.; BJL     
      Qumran find : archeo-Biblical views. BJL  SLIDE 1971
BS 621 P8(O45) : Qumran dig : archeo-Biblical views.; BJL     
      Qumran dig : archeo-Biblical views. BJL  SLIDE  
BS 621 P8(O46) : Jericho : archeo-Biblical views.; BJL     
      Jericho : archeo-Biblical views. BJL  SLIDE 1970
BS 621 P8(O47) : Megiddo : archeo-Biblical views.; BJL     
      Megiddo : archeo-Biblical views. BJL  SLIDE 1970
BS 621 P8(O48) : Hazor : archeo-Biblical views.; BJL     
      Hazor : archeo-Biblical views. BJL  SLIDE 1970
BS 621 P8(O49) : Lachish : archeo-Biblical views.; BJL     
      Lachish : archeo-Biblical views. BJL  SLIDE 1970
BS 621 P8(O5) : Petra : archeo-Biblical views.; BJL     
      Petra : archeo-Biblical views. BJL  SLIDE 1967
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